What is hapening with my plant?


New Member
Hi, i'm growing outdoors and this is my first grow. I decided to grow only one plant to see, if i'm capable of growing. My plant is about 2 months old. I don't use any nutes. About 2 weeks ago i finally got rid of leaf miners. Now to the little problem i'm facing right now. The plant is growing no more, although it's only about 60cm tall. Plant looks pretty healthy now, but it's not getting taller as i said. Something i can't recognize appeared on the top of the plant. I'm suspicious, that it started flowering very early. Hope you can tell me more about, what is happening with my plant. Pics are below.

Whole plant - http://img441.imageshack.us/img441/9749/pov4.jpg
Top close-up 1 - http://img853.imageshack.us/img853/6898/0vx3.jpg
Top close-up 2 - http://img802.imageshack.us/img802/5747/7odj.jpg
Top close-up 3 - http://img404.imageshack.us/img404/5730/hdqz.jpg


Active Member
How large of a pot to you have the plant in? How often do you water and how much? without any nutrients in the soil the plant wont grow it evidently will start to turn a off green color and start to die. And if your growing outside it needs to be under the sun the whole day, in the pic to me it look like you have it under a awning.


New Member
The pot is 10cm tall and 14cm wide. It's not a big pot. It's on direct sun all day. I water it every single day, when the weather is too hot, which causes the underwatering effect. When the weather is not too hot, i water it when it's really dry. I took the photo in shade.


New Member
get like a five gallon pot and fill it with your favorite soil get some mykes to help with the roots and if there is alot of roots bound up on the pots edge score each side with a knife just once to help the roots turn out into the new soil . the wider the pot the wider the plant the deeper the pot the taller the plant .my 2 cents
goodluck and happy growin


Well-Known Member
put it in the ground like you would any other plant. the container is only if you need to move the plant or if the ground is too hard or wet to dig a hole.
same happend to mine finally got um were they room for the roots to grow the leaf curl stopped and they are flourishing now. re-pot


Active Member
Put her in a pot between 20 and 25L. She'll thank you for it. It's not about being capable, just about anyone is capable of growing this plant. It's all about trial and error, learning from your mistakes, smiling about your victories, and becoming a better grower. Those growers whose growshows have been on the cover of high times? Trust me, they've all fucked up some plants somewhere along the road. It's generally not such a bad thing, just remember the positive side: you now know one more thing that you're not supposed to do when you get your next crop going. Happy Gardening.


Well-Known Member
Put her in a pot between 20 and 25L. She'll thank you for it. It's not about being capable, just about anyone is capable of growing this plant. It's all about trial and error, learning from your mistakes, smiling about your victories, and becoming a better grower. Those growers whose growshows have been on the cover of high times? Trust me, they've all fucked up some plants somewhere along the road. It's generally not such a bad thing, just remember the positive side: you now know one more thing that you're not supposed to do when you get your next crop going. Happy Gardening.
Great post.

It reminds me of a saying I've heard: "nobody ever learned anything by doing it right." Mistakes are the building blocks upon which experience rests.


Well-Known Member
if your out side, I would put it into at the very least a 20 gallon pot . plants are easily reaching heights of 10 feet tall out side ! and getting as big as 6 or more feet around, personally I would dig a hole , and put the potting mix into it I would over kill it with 50 gallons on good soil and pull 5 pounds off 1 plant


New Member
Put her in a pot between 20 and 25L. She'll thank you for it. It's not about being capable, just about anyone is capable of growing this plant. It's all about trial and error, learning from your mistakes, smiling about your victories, and becoming a better grower. Those growers whose growshows have been on the cover of high times? Trust me, they've all fucked up some plants somewhere along the road. It's generally not such a bad thing, just remember the positive side: you now know one more thing that you're not supposed to do when you get your next crop going. Happy Gardening.
Great post. I will re-pot it today to 20l pot. Thanks for the reply ;)


Active Member
Hey guys, I get help and enouragement here too so I like to give that back once in a while. How's she taken to her new home?


Active Member
I am almost positive you have male flowers growing out of the top of your plant. I have seen those several times on only my plants that are male.

smokin away

Well-Known Member
You really need to cut the top off and get it to branch out. Five gallon pot works good but put a drain hole on the side. Measure gallon and half to two gallons of water into the bucket then mark the level. Use at least a 3/4 inch hole. I like putting lava rocks or any porous material in the bottom to cover hole. Even old pieces of brick work. Remember even it's a male you can save the pollen to pollinate the next one.