What is Christ?


Well-Known Member
Searching.....:lol:, I don't need to search anymore friend :idea:
sorry friend, I thought you were talking to me, I read thoroughly tho.......I think thee ark thing sidetracked me along w/ me having to rush.....I'll Holla


Well-Known Member
King James Version

Gospel according to John, chapter 7
7:37 In the last day, that great day of the feast, Jesus stood and cried, saying, If any man thirst, let him come unto me, and drink.
7:38 He that believeth on me, as the scripture hath said, out of his belly shall flow rivers of living water

Let's Not.......:mrgreen:, many followers believe this directly speaks of the tinkling and would choose to argue...:!:, but I neva' was taught that (i stop studying :dunce:...my bad), but I do know of Urine being used as therapy, even dated back way back when as you have stated in maany countries.

wHut B Harv had to say wasn't not at all far off base from the truth, it would be hard for me to disagree, as well as, with what you have had to say....bongsmilie but ultimately I was trying to get across again is The Truth is still in the Bible if you can read between the lines. If you can't then you're screwed


Well-Known Member
I still see a bunch idiots that are following a lie.

You still are not getting it kids. I think I am experiencing first hand the people with the lower IQ's that believe in god.


Well-Known Member
I still see a bunch idiots that are following a lie.

You still are not getting it kids. I think I am experiencing first hand the people with the lower IQ's that believe in god.

:fire:Let me answer your question once and for all. Since I am all knowing,I can tell you what christ is.:fire:

ANSWER: Who really knows,christ couldve been a figment of someones imagination. As the bible is a book,maybe it was intended to be read as a book and not taken so litterally. Maybe christ is gallon of gas. Christ could really be what ever you imagine him/it to be. For all you really know,you yourself could be christ. Maybe the book of deception revolves around you in some manner. You could be the main character in the book. You could even be God. The book could be real,or it could be a load of shit. That is for you to decide and to believe in. Only you can make the decision to belive in something and to accept the things the way they are given. Only you can decide your path.

Remember cunts have really interesting stories too!!!


Well-Known Member
Joe, you don't even know what Christ is, what fucking chance do you have of knowing the meaning of the word 'amen'.

“Amen” is a Hebrew word that stems from the word aman, which means “to be faithful, support, or confirm.” The word “amen” actually means, “so be it,” or “truly.”

Therefore, when Christians end their prayers with "amen," they are re-affirming their dedication to God through Jesus Christ. They also use it to confirm a statement (i.e., when the pastor says something powerful out of the Word of God, and members of the congregation say "Amen").


Well-Known Member
Joe, you don't even know what Christ is, what fucking chance do you have of knowing the meaning of the word 'amen'.

“Amen” is a Hebrew word that stems from the word aman, which means “to be faithful, support, or confirm.” The word “amen” actually means, “so be it,” or “truly.”

Therefore, when Christians end their prayers with "amen," they are re-affirming their dedication to God through Jesus Christ. They also use it to confirm a statement (i.e., when the pastor says something powerful out of the Word of God, and members of the congregation say "Amen").


Well-Known Member
We have a similar word in Stonerese, which is "Aman". It is usually used as positive affirmation that you are in the correct circle to smoke some excellent grass. It can be replaced with "EER", by someone eager to pass some exceptional expando weed, before a coughing fit ensues. It is not considered rude.

Have you ever noticed how Jesus was born of the Holy Spirit through the Virgin Mary. I have often thought that being a stoner was coincidental with the spirit of self reflection I get when smoking some really good virgin marijuana. Hmmmm...


Well-Known Member
Well what ever it is,just believe in yourself. You know that your always right. Fly in all directions and you will see...



Well-Known Member
Some guy Christians really respect and shit... but none of them act similar to him.

Fucking ironic.
Lower your expectations of Christians TTO.

Your, expectations, have set the bar to high.

For a Christian, it is not about who am I 'compared' to Christ.
For a Christian, it's about who 'I AM IN'... Christ!'

Who can be compared to 'Yeshua', and what he's done?

What I'm talking about here is not a licence to 'do whatever the **** I please', in the name of Christ. Shit no!

The deviant record of many, so called, 'Christian' followers is disgusting. :spew:

I understand why so many are turned off, from the religious crap that surrounds the belief in some form of deity.

CHRIST, gave us a way to the Father. By Grace. GRACE. Not by works, like Karma, that's crap, but by GRACE, it's what separates Christianity from all other ways to God.

Grace... Not to do as we please, but to owe our allegiance to a higher authority and have the Grace, to make mistakes along the way.

We are not always right, 'Fly in all directions' as the song suggests, more like 'fly by the seat of your pants', no offence 'Wacky', I loved that chorus, but, who the fuck wants to be flying in all directions?

I want solid ground beneath my feet. God the Father is the rock I stand on, and Christ has showed us the way. That's Yeshua'.


Well-Known Member
]Joe, you don't even know what Christ is, what fucking chance do you have of knowing the meaning of the word 'amen'.
[/I]You are inncorrect. I understand Christ for its true meaning and you do not.
“Amen” is a Hebrew word that stems from the word aman, which means “to be faithful, support, or confirm.” The word “amen” actually means, “so be it,” or “truly.”
You are right. Except for the part about Amen coming from aman.

Therefore, when Christians end their prayers with "amen," they are re-affirming their dedication to God through Jesus Christ. They also use it to confirm a statement (i.e., when the pastor says something powerful out of the Word of God, and members of the congregation say "Amen")<---absolute rubbish.
....Sooooo...Yeah. :clap:

I never said I am close to Christ Consciousness but at least I know what Christ truly is about. Unlike every christian I have ever met or talked/typed with. Most Christians are Sheeple.


Well-Known Member
Like I said...Christ is the understanding of God...the man Jesus trusted in God that he was able to bring forth out of the dead carnal mind...And destroy him that had the power of death....which is the devil...the lustful and imaginating mind.