What industry(s) (if any) lobby against marijuana law reform?


Well-Known Member
I'm a supporter of total legalization of all drugs, even the very harmful and addictive ones. Libertarian Judge James P. Gray helped me form this position... but I was under the impression that just like many of America's political representatives are bought and paid for by the health care industry and many others (energy sector, big banks, weapons manufacturers, military contractors, oil companies, etc), there was also a powerful lobby opposing marijuana law reform and promoting propaganda against it.

I don't know where I got this notion... I don't know if it was something I heard on the news or from NORML or LEAP or from some average-joe or an Alex Jones freak or from any reliable source what so ever.... So I was wondering if anyone can tell me if the tobacco, alcohol, pharmaceutical or any other industries have forked out any massive cash in support of a continued drug war - and particularly, rather than just the crap we've all heard by word of mouth, I was hoping you could link me to some kind of supporting documentation.

I have a feeling that some policy decisions on the matter are greed driven but I would love to know for sure. It would also give me great pleasure to be able to answer some questions for some acquaintances of mine regarding the subject.

time for me to toke up and sleep a heavenly sleep, regardless of how these unjust laws came to be and are being continued! bongsmilie

advance thanks for any good answers!


Active Member
i think all drugs should be decriminalized, but not necessarily legalized.


Well-Known Member
The primary impediment to the legalization of ganja and the more dangerous illicit drugs is the huge growth industry of GOVERNMENT.
Corruption is rampant, kickbacks, pay offs and other immoral "share the wealth" schemes are firmly entrenched.

I believe that all drugs should be legalized regulated and taxed.


Rob Roy

Well-Known Member
The DEA, all of the various types of cops, judges, lawyers, court clerks, probation officers, prison guards and the entire prison "industry", benefit when drugs are illegal. Drug prohibition is a giant jobs program for them.

While I am personally opposed to using addictive substances, I think it's none of my business or anybody else's what another person does with their body. Just because something is legal doesn't mean it will become commonly used, I believe the opposite could happen.

Concerning legalizing pot and taxing it...why would I want to (finally) gain the right to my own body only to give up the right to keep the fruit of my labor? Giving more money to a government that has proven time and again that it is horribly ineffecient and controlling is a bad idea in my opinion. The government can stay the fuck out of my life, thank you.
Freedom to me means you own your body, your property and your life. Harm nobody and what you do with your life is fine with me even if I disagree with how you go about it, it's YOUR life.


Well-Known Member
Why would you want harmful and addictive drugs to be legal?

don't get me wrong, I'm not trying to say people should do such drugs I just don't want the huge profit incentives funding street gangs, organized crime and even terrorism like it does today.

Check out www.leap.cc to hear from judges cops and various other professionals in legal matters who all oppose the drug war entirely (not just the prohibition of marijuana)

one of my favorite speakers on the subject is Jim Gray, a Supreme Court Judge from Orange County California...
have a listen to just a few of his words:

he also wrote a very good book called Why Our Drug Laws Have Failed and What We Can Do About It, I highly recommend reading it. This man has convinced me that drug prohibition has killed and harmed more people than the actual drugs that are being prohibited.

Cloud City

New Member
Anyone who can or does make money off prohibition (law enforcement and many others) will fight to keep the laws the same. Its job security to these scumbags.

Rob Roy

Well-Known Member
Anyone who can or does make money off prohibition (law enforcement and many others) will fight to keep the laws the same. Its job security to these scumbags.

It is difficult to get a man to understand something when his salary depends upon his not understanding it.
- Upton Sinclair