What in the world? Must see.


Well-Known Member
Hey Friends and Folks . . . In my 44 years of growing I've never see this before.

I suppose it could be old hat, but then again . . . Pistils growing on the leave stalks?


Look like condensation (water droplets). unless you mean the hair (pistil) which isn't a trich and appears to have fallen down and stuck to a branch.

BTW that super purrrrrple red stem looks really hungry for PHOSPHATES


Well-Known Member
Look like condensation (water droplets). unless you mean the hair (pistil) which isn't a trich and appears to have fallen down and stuck to a branch.
BTW that super purrrrrple red stem looks really hungry for PHOSPHATES

Thanks for the wake up call (trichs) . . . into my 6th day of being opiate free after 9-10 years of daily methadone (unprescibed) usage . . . KING of the addictives, IMO. Cold Turkey. No sleep in 3 days.

Yeah, they're starved. I was supposed to harvest yesteday, but somehow just didn't feel like it!

BTW, the pistils are definitely attached and growing on numerous leave stems on one plant . . . I haven't looked for them on the others.



Well-Known Member
Da-hammm . . . take a few months away from RIU and everybody's seen pistils growing on stems!