What if Marlboro made packs of joints, with Marlboro points.


Well-Known Member
I'm sure there will be enough chemistry savvy weed smokers out there who will find any chemicals in the Marlboro ones. I'm sure they will add something, but at least we'd know.

EDIT: Also, if you do a google search for Marlboro and marijuana, you get everyone saying that they will probably add shit to it, and that they don't like the idea of that. I'm SURE they do market research, and that if they add stuff to it, it will turn away a large number of smokers.


Well-Known Member
I'd smoke myself an ATV!
well as long as we are talkin points fer joints , everything i owned would be in covered in cigarette logos. although the whole miles thing kinda pissed me off. yupthere is a funny story behind this. i just happen to be the guy who can save anything for a good cause . i saved miles for years , mad years . got around to thinkin about cashin those fuckers in (bout 5 50gal bags full) my buddy comes by as i am gettin this shit out and says what the fuck are ya doin with all them empty packs they dont even have miles on em. i opened every bag ,not 1 fuckin mile. yup it was funny.:wall:

haze, son

Active Member
Yeah, that's true.

But, if a cool brand...like an organic brand had a points system, it would be damn cool.
Like an American Spirits brand or some sort. That would be pretty sick. IMO They're the best tasting cigs on the market, and the ones I smoke claim they're additive free. It may be true, or not, but they still taste hella good after a bongsmilie


Well-Known Member
I'd join the fight to encourage everyone boycott them, and make an effort to teach even more people to grow instead. That's what would happen.

I smoke cigs still but I sure don't like what those companies do or stand for, except naybe american spirits if it's true they don't intentionally add stuff that kills millions of people.

Even if they didn't add stuff I'd still hope people would boycott all those horrible companies.


Well-Known Member
I'd join the fight to encourage everyone boycott them, and make an effort to teach even more people to grow instead. That's what would happen.

I smoke cigs still but I sure don't like what those companies do or stand for, except naybe american spirits if it's true they don't intentionally add stuff that kills millions of people.

Even if they didn't add stuff I'd still hope people would boycott all those horrible companies.

I would grow, but I have limited space and a healthy habit, so I'd swing by the local Kwik-E-Mart and grab a pack of something. Of course, if I have the option I'll get something organic.


Marlboro wouldnt make joint cigs cause they would competing against themselves, they already make the leading brands of cig's that can and will kill you. I agree they would put so much shit inside it owuldnt be worth it.


Well-Known Member
I smoke American spirit roll your owns and I would never go back to smoking filters. They taste like shit. And I would rather see my money go to companies that have a small number of organic farmers growing it, (and yes, its additive free, no chemical pesticides, etc.) and my mony goes to endangered species charities and charities funding programs for the advancement of native americans and thier culture.