What I should call some plants I "bred"?


Well-Known Member
A while back I got a pack of Purple Godfather Kush beans from an MTG Seeds booth at an event in San Francisco. These were regular seeds, so when they flowered I allowed a male to pollinate some of the females. So now I have maybe 30 seeds as a result of this "experiment." So if I bred a Purple Godfather male with a Purple Godfather female (which I did), are the offspring still considered "Purple Godfather" or should I come up with a different name so that it doesn't look like I'm infringing on MTG's Purple Godfather brand or intellectual property or whatever?

If it matters, I'm not currently planning to "go big" with this. I'm just tinkering around for now, although I hope down the line to breed strains that can help people who have migraines or other pains. I may or may not use Purple Godfather in this project, because it includes genetics that I think may be helpful.


Well-Known Member
If you're breeding them for yourself, not sharing, or selling them then your can call them whatever you like. It's always nice to give credit to the original breeder.

On the filial question. Depends, most will just call them F2's. But for example, let's say the seed pack was from a line worked to F7's. Now you take a male and female from that same pack, cross them, technically they're now F8's. Filial information is not always available or reliable unless you know the breeder, some breeders identify them but most don't, thereby most will say just call them F2's.


Well-Known Member
I think U need sum credit , so hows about Purple Cato's !!
Well, I had to Google Purple Catos and found that there's a women's shoes brand named Cato and they make lots of purple shoes. But I remember when I was a kid I loved The Green Hornet and Cato was played by Bruce Lee and inspired me to study martial arts until I got too old to keep getting my ass kicked. So yeah, maybe Purple Catos. Good suggestion.