What has Trump done to this country?


Well-Known Member
just :lol:

I'm not visiting CNN any more. They don't even have a Canada section! They have Australia and the UK but not us. Boo! ;)



Well-Known Member
Who here can think logically? Trumpers need not apply
Have some fun with yer head, something to ponder while stoned, a puzzle

You have a simple balance scale and 8 weights, one is slightly heavier than the others, you only get to use the scale twice. Find the heavy weight.

I didn't look it up on goggle, that wasn't around when I was a kid! cheater!
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Well-Known Member
my scale is accurate to within 1/10th of a grain
I understand your concerns about responsible gun owners and hobbyists such as yourself, I can empathize.
Here adventurous young men are seduced into law breaking by an evil old man! Challenged to be knights of the air and to soar amongst the birds. It's so addicting to certain young men, I might as well be a crack dealer! One of those global multicultural things I like that forms communities of enthusiasts, at least until the governments starting stepping on necks for no reason at all, except some assholes imagined fears. But it's not as simple as they might think and we are fighting back and organising and NRA of the air, to bribe politicians!

We share our passions on RIU too and I'm trying to get away from politics now that Donald is done and yer running with the ball. I'm already on the RC groups, preparing to move on, better topics and less acrimony, trolls do not exist. Life is back to normal where I live.


Well-Known Member
i don't like that Diamond and Silk leverage stereotype.
Anybody who supports Trump in any way is despicable, no matter their color or sex, I don't draw too many distinctions with this kind of evil, pigeon holing works fine for such deplorable arseholes. I have no problem identifying the enemies of humanity, those against human rights for all, or who are so greed driven they are insane and thus a danger to all, same for morons and psychos. The GOP is mostly run by con men psychos and supported by morons & lunatics anyway. Shoot first and let God sort em out, he'll have an easy day and they'll have a hot one (metaphorically speaking).

When they show here they get the full fucking treatment and I ain't alone... ;)


Well-Known Member
Anybody who supports Trump in any way is despicable, no matter their color or sex, I don't draw too many distinctions with this kind of evil, pigeon holing works fine for such deplorable arseholes. I have no problem identifying the enemies of humanity, those against human rights for all, or who are so greed driven they are insane and thus a danger to all, same for morons and psychos. The GOP is mostly run by con men psychos and supported by morons & lunatics anyway. Shoot first and let God sort em out, he'll have an easy day and they'll have a hot one (metaphorically speaking).

When they show here they get the full fucking treatment and I ain't alone... ;)
it's just that we need everyone to come to the table and have a place there; it's damaging to the movement.