What happens next


Active Member
I am new at this but here is my story. I found a seed and put it in some old soil on my porch. Now it is a 5 ft. beautiful plant. She is flowering now, when and where will buds come?? Are those flowers bud sites? I have used only sunlight as I have no other lights to use yet. I am hopeful it will yield even a few buds just so I can say I did it. Live and learn ya know...:blsmoke:


Well-Known Member
if it is 5' you will have more than a few buds. I want you to remember something, natural sunlight is the best afterall, all things grow in it. well sorta but that is another thread about natural science. your gona be looking for 2 things for sexing if you haven't already.
1. does it have little balls around the nodes? if it does its male chalk it up as a loss
2. does it have 2 little white hairs comming out of the nodes? if it does it is a female and thank the canna gods.

the flower sites bother me. either you have a male or a hermi (male and female). try to describe it more or look at this chart;
