What does this mean ?


Active Member
Pakistan Ryder automatic remains a great yielder, producing as much as 100-150 gr. per m2 when grown indoors.
What is m2 ?


Active Member
I use it for strain comparison when buying seeds. There are tooooo many variables like soil fertality and minerality (possible made up words), and light lumens and spectrum bla not going on you get it im sure.


Active Member
I understand and agree there are way to many variables, but what i am looking for is a good guesstimate, I want to get some afghan kush auto seeds or pakistan ryder and was just wondering how much yeild i would get from a single plant, so I am going to assome that if I get 100 grms from a M2 area (I am guessing tht will hold approx 6 plants) so theoretically 1 plant will yeild aprox 17 grams...that sounds low to me!


Active Member
If you want good yields, you need to go with something different. 100-150 grams a square meter is pretty low end. Most strains I see are usually in the 400-600 range. Get a different strain. Auto flowers are known for usually yielding less than non autos.