What does this mean? Healthy plant yellowing tops?...

Hello this is a month old plant today is the second day flowering but I have noticed that the top is getting lighter and turning yellow... PLease if anyone knows I would I appreciate any help THANKs!



Nute burn is for sure an issue, but in addition, judging by the yellowing, looks like zinc deficiency.

PS: How hot is the area around the canopy? How close to lights?
Nute burn is for sure an issue, but in addition, judging by the yellowing, looks like zinc deficiency.

PS: How hot is the area around the canopy? How close to lights?
You were right about the Zinc deficiency I found this other pic in the web, and it kind of looks like how my plant looks like...

Zinc Deficiencies:
- Deficiencies appear as chlorosis in the inter-veinal areas of new leaves producing a banding appearance.
- This may be accompany reduction of leaf size and a shortening between internodes.
- Leaf margins are often distorted or wrinkled.
- Branch terminals of fruit will die back in severe cases.
- Also gets locked out due to high pH.

Zn, Fe, and Mn deficiencies often occur together, and are usually from a high pH.

Don't overdo the micro-nutrients- lower the pH if that's the problem so the nutrients become available. Foliar feed if the plant looks real bad. Use chelated zinc.

Zinc deficiency produces "little leaf" in many species, especially woody ones; the younger leaves are distinctly smaller than normal.

Zinc defeciency may also produce "rosetting"; the stem fails to elongate behind the growing tip, so that the terminal leaves become tightly bunched.

Zinc Toxicity: Excess Zinc is extremely toxic and will cause rapid death. Excess zinc interferes with iron causing chlorosis from iron deficiency. Excess will cause sensitive plants to become chlorotic.