What does "flowering time" actually mean?


Active Member
When you go to a site to check out some new strains to grow, and they list flowering time as x amount of weeks, does that mean that it finishes from germination to end of flowering in x weeks?

Or does it mean that once you start to put the plant in 12/12, it will be x weeks until it is finished?

Thanks, happy growing everyone :)


Active Member
It means after its sprouted hairs and you are on a flowering schedule 12/12 how long it will take!


New Member
you can go by when you see the hairs poke out for the first time.. but i start my flowering time from day one of 12/12. to each is own..


Active Member
I'm silly you guys are right I went and rechecked what I had read and asked my hubby who grows more then me and it is when you start to do the 12/12 sorry about thatbongsmilie


Well-Known Member
I'm silly you guys are right I went and rechecked what I had read and asked my hubby who grows more then me and it is when you start to do the 12/12 sorry about thatbongsmilie
Agreed with the others - so your total grow time, will be however long you decide to veg for, PLUS the flowering time for your strain. Note, however, that many times the plants fail to read the breeder pack, and take however long they want to finish.:mrgreen:
All kidding aside - they can take longer than listed, just so you know.:peace:


Well-Known Member
Its also important to remember that a plant will not flower until its ready. So if you go 12/12 from seed, the finish time will be longer than a plant that has been vegged for two months. Just like a 5 year old girl cant get pregnant, a young plant will not flower.
