What does curing do?


Well-Known Member
After leaving the buds hung upside down to ry for a week or so u can cure your bud by putting it in jars. But what i want to know is what does curing actually do to the bud? Because im just coming up to the end off the week off my bud drying. So i might cure it.

bongsmilie Thanks bongsmilie


Global Mod, Stoner Chic
Taken from the Growfaqs. :mrgreen::peace:

Curing can seemingly affect potency because often the first time the buds feel "dry", they really aren't. Once they start to cure and sweat, you will see how much moisture is left.

Curing is mostly for aroma and taste, but the first week after "drying" will still have some effect on the potency as the bud fully dries.

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Well-Known Member
read faq but but basically when u buds sweat it brings out moisture in the middle of the bud and dries it out, to make sure u prevent mold use some brown paper bags and rearrange the buds every 12 hrs this will bring ur bud 2 a nice consistency of wet and dry make it nice 2 smoke but not harsh also it allows for some other cannabinoids to convert 2 THC