What do you think?


Active Member
First time grower
strain-power plant
vegged for 7 weeks,5 weeks into 12/12 now.
five 20 watt cfls
general grow nutes 3:3:3
general purpose soil
I haven't put much effort in to this grow at all spent less than $80 all together :o.
let me know what you think and how long do you think till chop? any feedback appreciated.



Active Member
Looks awesome for using just CFL's, those are some tasty looking nugs you got there, and I agree with the advice of the above poster, looks like maybe 3-4 weeks more, sit tight, it's well worth it.


Active Member
thanks. yeah i know i was really surprised with how well they done just with shitty cfls, cant wait for harvest , how much do you think i could yield? if i get even an Oz i will be very happy. :peace: :leaf:


Active Member
very impressed also for cfls, they look wonderfull man,, enjoy and congrats on ur success so far man !!!!! +rep


Active Member
I know its really hard to tell but has anyone got any rough estimates on yield,you think i'll hit an oz?


Active Member
those look freaking awesome, especially under some cfl's, your first grow, and such a small amount of money spent. congrats


Well-Known Member
This has serious potential.
1. Get rid of the mirror (it doesn't help). Replace with flat white poster board or something similar
2. Bigger CFL's. The 42w bulbs are fairly cheap and the heat generation difference is easily manageable
3. All of this is pointless if you really don't feel that putting more into it. Just my opinion, but these are easy corrections.
4. ???
5. Profit!


Active Member
Thanks for the feedback guys :D. And ,yeah i'm gonna get some bigger cfls and some mylar hopefully i'll make quite a profit. :D :peace:


Well-Known Member
Hell yeah! Mylar is nice for a while but extremely difficult to keep clean. If you can get mylar, you should have access to black and white poly. Which is stronger, and washable.