What Do You Think?


Active Member
Before I get going in to many directions here here’s the point of my post. I’m sure I have misconceptions about liberals, conservatives, those in the middle and even crazy libertarians like myself. (please let’s keep this civil I want to try to understand and compare each other’s beliefs and opinions)

I think I finally understand why liberals think the way they do. They see society, as a whole, more important than the individual for the most part. That’s why they think its ok for the government to mandate all sorts of laws and regulations that control the individual to behave the way the liberals deems appropriate. Like in the case of the Arizona shooter they see not only the shooter as responsible but all those who do not see the world through their world view.

Conservatives on the other hand see the individual more so than liberals but they to want to use the government to force people live a “moral” life. No weed or butt love for the people.

I’m more of a libertarian. So I try to as Neil Boortz likes to “default to freedom”. So here’s what I think: The government should stay out of the way as much as possible. We don’t need a bunch of bullshit laws, all we need is common sense laws. For example why can’t destruction of public and private property laws apply to environmental damages instead of creating big bureaucracies to control and police every aspect of business. I believe union’s used to play the role of the labor board and OSHA giving the worker a way to confront dangerous and unjust situations but today they don’t.

So what do you think about my assumptions?

What and why do you think about:
Which is more important to the survival of our republic/democracy the individual or society? Why?

How far can government in controlling the daily life of Americans?

How much freedom is too much?

Sorry for the long post. I’ve been snowed in for 3 days stoned and rambling. Again please lets keep this civil and try to understand the basic differences in our opinions and ideas.


Well-Known Member
I fall somewhere between conservative and a libertaerian, I believe the Federal goverment should be charged to do the things that we need as nation. I think the states should take care of the states need. What i object to is the notion that the goverment should by default, provide everything you need from the cradle to grave. I believe in personal responsability First! If a crackhead desides he is finished trying to kill himself, its not my responsability to pay his medical bills. I forget who says it but i agree with this statment- Your freedom to be you should not infringe on my rights to be free from you.