What Do You Think About The Radiation Situation In Japan?Is The Gov't Keeping Secrets


Well-Known Member
then there is no suck thing as china syndrom and melt down is just radiation in the air..........no explosion......no reaction just some shit in the air(most dagerous i agree)....thought melt down ment the rods melted and so hot burned hole in ground to the center of earth....like the movie showed...............so its not a melt down.......they just over heat and make gas...............why dont they say that.........MELTDOWN sounds so evil.............


Well-Known Member
like the map.......astroid only thing that can really harm us..........as humans we can survie any bomb we have right now according to the map ................but any loss of life great are small is an issue we need to take control of........and destroying habitat for no telling how many years......


Well-Known Member
because the rods melt....modern containment jackets are suppose to hold all the goo.
meltdowns are not really all that bad anymore...just a bunch of shit snowballed
Chernobyl exploded from the inside out...it was much worse to me
I'm not sure exactly how much molten goo there is to give figures on what it could ruin

center of the earth? man i gotta go see whatever movie you must be talking about


Well-Known Member
Q: when is a nuclear disaster over?
A: never!

You hear nothing about reactor 3 in the news which is a mox reactor useing the most dangerous form of fuel with a halflife of several thousand years.


Well-Known Member
yea some movie........I mean it was a movie but still talked about if the rods melted they would keep on melting throuh the earth............should of known they lied LOL.........but meltdown does sound evil........


Well-Known Member
don't me wrong...it's undesirable to say the least..if it gets out of it's jacket it can run havoc
it can certainly melt down into a water table or something...some reactors even had nice sturdy concrete structures under the cores for just such occasions...
pretty sure our inner mantle burns a tad hotter, so no core go boom action or anything like that.


Well-Known Member
During the 1986 Chernobyl disaster, the plant was still running during a power surge that essentially turned the plant's reactor core into a small nuclear bomb, pushing actual radioactive material -- as opposed to gas with trace radioactive elements -- out into the air.

this is what stood out to me, the the pressure build up from a meltdown when reaching the core and causing a breach will act like an atomic bomb, in this case disbursing gas with radioactive elements....I take it that if the meltdown is not stopped prior to the rods melting down to the core, that most likely an explosion will occur and at the point of the breach happening will not be reversible.....bad news...just my stoned thoughts

but nothin about WHAT THE FUCK HAPPENS IF IT MELTSDOWN..............hole throuh the earth........everyone dies......or just a small area...........not one word can i find on what happens IF IT FUCKING MELTS DOWN......in any reactor..............thats the question........I know all aobut japan from news............been readin but not once do the explain what happpens IF MELTDOWN.............
Japan is fucked in the same way the US is gonna be fucked if we don't move away from dangerous energy sources. Nuclear power is primarily used for warfare. In the US nuclear power makes up roughly 20% of all the energy the US uses. What happened in Japan is just another lesson in the history books of how dangerous and unstable nuclear power really is particularly when mother nature throws you an unpredictable curve ball. Between the Japan crisis and the BP oil spill the world just may not survive the next 50 years. Not to mention we all just can't seem to leave each other the hell alone on the smallest of levels.


Well-Known Member
Doesn't matter because ever since that last thread about the radiation, I've been working on my power armor so's I can be ready for the real life Fallout 3 baby!




Well-Known Member
then there is no suck thing as china syndrom and melt down is just radiation in the air..........no explosion......no reaction just some shit in the air(most dagerous i agree)....thought melt down ment the rods melted and so hot burned hole in ground to the center of earth....like the movie showed...............so its not a melt down.......they just over heat and make gas...............why dont they say that.........MELTDOWN sounds so evil.............
the rods melt...they turn into molten metal and burn releasing radiation...the explosion is from the hydrogen gas and that already happened but I don't think we got video of it.


Well-Known Member
TELSA......we all need to educate ourselves on Tesla and the quantum leaps he made in power generation which were shut down and suppressed by the powers that be in the US....we already have the technology, but regulating and charging for it is not feesable as it is really hard to monitor the way in which this system works and charge for usage...there are several great docu's out there on him and his inventions....! Would love to see a thread discussing some of his ideas...
Japan is fucked in the same way the US is gonna be fucked if we don't move away from dangerous energy sources. Nuclear power is primarily used for warfare. In the US nuclear power makes up roughly 20% of all the energy the US uses. What happened in Japan is just another lesson in the history books of how dangerous and unstable nuclear power really is particularly when mother nature throws you an unpredictable curve ball. Between the Japan crisis and the BP oil spill the world just may not survive the next 50 years. Not to mention we all just can't seem to leave each other the hell alone on the smallest of levels.


Well-Known Member
people are slowly starting to figure out tesla's things in their own good time, you must have seen some cordless chargers allready... the problem is you need a multi diciplinary engineer to realy grasp his work, a bit of fluid dynamics, knowledge of surfaces and friction behavior, electronics and alot of knowledge of magnetics fields etc... he was ahead of his time, but that just means that at some point in future the rest of the bunch caught up. We are privelidged that it was not a less moral man like say einstein who figured out his stuff, as then some country would have fucked some other country up with the knowledge allready.... on a scale that made hiroshima seem like new years flare. He invented weapons that could tear the earth in half....

the hashshasher

Active Member
yo that shits fucked up!!! i saw on the news they found radiation in my towns water reservior, they said its ok because "they dilluted the water and there was no radiation makin to houses" can some1 please tell me how u dilute radiation?

edit:and just a sidenote 2012 is lookin like a pretty good prediction for the end of the world


Well-Known Member
Radiation has arrived in Glasgow Scotland, also Oxford England.

All 6 reactors at Fukushima Dai-Ichi are now in various states of meltdown and/or systemic cooling/containment failure, the two to watch most closely are Unit 2 (probable pooling-floor vessel breach) and Unit 3, due to the plutonium/uranium MOX fuel (this is one of only 2 MOX fueled reactors in Japan). All but Unit 6 are the weakest type (Mark 1) of GE containment systems. Unit 6 is Mark 2.
If 1 or more of the units has a vessel floor breach,the world will get large varying dispersement doses of radiation. The super-reactive pile of fuel pellets will congeal into a nuclear fire-fueled mass, and bore into the containment building floor, then continue boring into the earth, until it hits the water table. At this point, the water is instantly turned into a super-charged radioactive steam jet that will blow upwards with such force that it shoot through the borehole, then the building and up into the atmosphere at jet stream level.
This will be dispersed world wide, and the radiation levels will be extreme. A nuclear steam kettle, if you will.
The true nightmare is if the floor breach occurs in Unit 3 (the MOX plutonium/uranium fueled one), as not only will the force of meltdown be greater but the deadly plutonium will increase the radioactivity by exponential levels. And if any of this plutonium, even at infinitesimal levels, gets into a person, they are a dead man/woman/child walking.


Well-Known Member
NOw that was what I was looking for........what would happen......best answer...thanks...and scary as fuck........damn...........that is a nasty scenerio......is there anyway to avoid that at this time or is it to late.........

Radiation has arrived in Glasgow Scotland, also Oxford England.
All 6 reactors at Fukushima Dai-Ichi are now in various states of meltdown and/or systemic cooling/containment failure, the two to watch most closely are Unit 2 (probable pooling-floor vessel breach) and Unit 3, due to the plutonium/uranium MOX fuel (this is one of only 2 MOX fueled reactors in Japan). All but Unit 6 are the weakest type (Mark 1) of GE containment systems. Unit 6 is Mark 2.
If 1 or more of the units has a vessel floor breach,the world will get large varying dispersement doses of radiation. The super-reactive pile of fuel pellets will congeal into a nuclear fire-fueled mass, and bore into the containment building floor, then continue boring into the earth, until it hits the water table. At this point, the water is instantly turned into a super-charged radioactive steam jet that will blow upwards with such force that it shoot through the borehole, then the building and up into the atmosphere at jet stream level.
This will be dispersed world wide, and the radiation levels will be extreme. A nuclear steam kettle, if you will.
The true nightmare is if the floor breach occurs in Unit 3 (the MOX plutonium/uranium fueled one), as not only will the force of meltdown be greater but the deadly plutonium will increase the radioactivity by exponential levels. And if any of this plutonium, even at infinitesimal levels, gets into a person, they are a dead man/woman/child walking.


Well-Known Member
here is a very saddening thought..........how many empoyes have recieved deadly dose of radiation trying to get things undercontrol know they would die trying.......havent heard much about that either.................im sure alot of brave men are envolved risking death to stop the plants from metldown.....................no names or nothing I can find.