What Do You Like To Smoke Out Of?

dank smoker420

Well-Known Member
what is your go to piece when you want to smoke some wonderful herb?
if its just me or another i grab my bong
i love to smoke out of it its probably the piece i use the most haha:lol:
add a picture if you want to also
ill add one soon


Active Member
I like my glass pipe .. but if I'm sharing it's almost always a good fat joint - hard to beat a well rolled doob .....


Well-Known Member
ya to get the best flavor with a top quality herb I like to go with a glass pipe, nothings better than taking those sweet mini hits off glass:)


Well-Known Member
Sticking to one thing is the way to gain a tolerance towards a strain really quick... Mix it up so your brain has different feels for the same flavor.


Well-Known Member
A joint is wasted when I smoke alone. Usually after work and a few hours before bed, a pinch in a bong and a few hits off that do me fine. If smoking with the wife or friends, a joint is easier. It'a just that so much smoke ina joint is wsted in between hits. In a bong, little if any is wasted. And my stash lasts longer when using a bong


Well-Known Member
mostly bong, but i did just get a new peice by chameleon called the typhoon. its so increadible its probly the smoothest and coolest pipe hit ever! it whips the air around cooling your hits and keeping ash outa your throut!