What do YOU like about hydro?


Well-Known Member
ok since you want to shoot me in the foot i will explain better..... not that you can't get nats but it's less likly at least thats what ive found and remember i did say i was new to hydro which also explains why i had a 5 footer, it grew faster than any soil grow i have ever done and got way too big really quick so now do you want to correct my spelling too. i havent had fungus nats since i started hydro my plant grew faster than i anticipated my penis is large and swollen, i got stung by a bee, i have 2 tons of horse poop in my truck i need to unload, the ardvark is on the front poarch would you like a frito, and last but not least i love you. oh and i used side lighting too

Al B. Fuct

once had a dog named
ok since you want to shoot me in the foot
No, I'm not interested in shooting you in the foot. I AM interested in stopping myths from floating about, though.

You should mind that emotional connection to the validity of your information. Your data is either good or bad- that's no reflection on you, unless you spread the bad stuff around like it's fact.

Gnats like damp conditions where there's some food (fungus) and they don't really care whether that's damp soil or damp inert media.


Well-Known Member
hydro is just plain cool. i have nothing against dirt, but when i can see the roots completely i have a better overall connection with my plant from top to bottom.

oh yeah, they make the plant really hulk up too!!!:weed:


Well-Known Member
No, I'm not interested in shooting you in the foot. I AM interested in stopping myths from floating about, though.

You should mind that emotional connection to the validity of your information. Your data is either good or bad- that's no reflection on you, unless you spread the bad stuff around like it's fact.

Gnats like damp conditions where there's some food (fungus) and they don't really care whether that's damp soil or damp inert media.
touche, thanks for putting good information out their i just reply with information from my experience and by the way the swelling went down and i got the horse poop unloaded just need to spread it on my field now , i havent been stung by a bee in like over 10 years and this summer 3 of em got me, moral of the story grow indoor hydro and stay outta bee country


Well-Known Member
I had some problems in one of my grows and I "just knew" I had a root issue.....thanks to the fact I am in clay pellets, I was able to look at my roots, and realize it wasn't that.Turned out to most likely be Ca toxicity, which was also easy to correct in hydro........alot easier than in soil, I know. The knowing what my plants are getting is nice...I don't have to worry about what MIGHT be in my soil....I KNOW what is in my water.
And, as I was filling a clean res yesterday, I realized.....watching the water sparkle when it is fresh and clean is just neat.
And since I put in my RO machine, my drinking water is better for me.
And when I dump the res....it helps my landscaping and my grass.
And when I feed it to my kids...well, they got really sick, actually. So, I won't do that again.
The waste is useable, is all I mean.
Also, as others have said, I don't have to worry about watering at certain times....my hydro gnomes do it for me.
Just my happy Super tea!