What do you guys do with all the extra plant material?


Active Member
I'm just curious what everyone does with the extra materials from the plants? Such as large males, mothers that need to be taken down, deformed/dead plants? I'm a bit nervous to just throw it out in the garbage, and I don't want to run it anywhere myself.

I was considering drying them out and burning them in the fireplace but was worried about smell (all plant matter is non-flowering), and the fact that it's almost summertime. What about drying it all up and grinding it up in a blender and flushing it? Compost heap?

Just curious what everyone else does so I can find what works best for me.


Well-Known Member
Some people say those plant might still contain some THC. If that is the case, you can try soaking it all in vodka and try and make Green Magic.:hump: Why let something potentially good go to waste?


Well-Known Member
make some hash or butter. do some searches or look in the cooking section and you will find something to make.

theres enough thc in those for sure, just use a much bigger ratio then you would if it was a femae or a bud ;0


Active Member
I know how to make hash out of the thc covered leaves, but this is all material which is little to no thc level. I live in suburbs so i'm a bit hesitant to just compost it as both my neighbors can see into my back yard and can access it just as easy. I'm not really a big drinker, and really have no desire to make some kind of odd drink out of the stems and whatnot.

Ideally I'm looking for an internal way to dispose of the materials. But, if I were to create a compost heap does anyone have an idea what kind of work goes into that? Or is it simply a wire mesh and fill it up with any kind of yard/plant material to decompose? Going to research it more now..



Well-Known Member
so what if you live in the suburbs? you neighbors shouldnt be going in your yard, private property aye?

just place the matter in a dark bag, let it dry out and put into the compost!


Well-Known Member
Don't toss it out the highway!!!!!!!!

You will be just adding extra bull to the cause.

Be start and play safe......:)