What do you do with your resin?


Well-Known Member
you know, when you scrape your pipes and bongs and stuff...... I know most people smoke their resin, or just get rid of it....... just seeing if anyone else does something creative or constructive with it....... as I plan to "save some up".......


Well-Known Member
dont bother thats not resin that residue the tar and shit from the smoke its the garbage so put it there resin is whats on the plant or falls off during trim


Well-Known Member
dont bother thats not resin that residue the tar and shit from the smoke its the garbage so put it there resin is whats on the plant or falls off during trim
pulling it out of the down stem of the bong, and their is whole calyxes in there, not just "tar"

I Know it gets people SUPER baked........ there are different kinds of resin too....

FROM PIPES and Bongs, yes it is Resin...... commonly referred to as resin so long as I have smoked........


I wash my pipes, never scrape. They're always spotless so I can taste bomb ass strains.


Well-Known Member

ɪn/ Show Spelled Pronunciation [rez-in] Show IPA Use Resin in a Sentence

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–noun 1. any of a class of nonvolatile, solid or semisolid organic substances, as copal or mastic, that consist of amorphous mixtures of carboxylic acids and are obtained directly from certain plants as exudations or prepared by polymerization of simple molecules: used in medicine and in the making of varnishes and plastics. 2. a substance of this type obtained from certain pines; rosin.
–verb (used with object) 3. to treat or rub with resin.

1350&#8211;1400; ME < OF resine < L r&#275;s&#299;na, prob. < a non-IE language; cf. Gk rh&#275;t
n&#275; pine resin, from a related source


Well-Known Member
I wash my pipes, never scrape. They're always spotless so I can taste bomb ass strains.
I have too many pipes and not enough time to wash them all..... I just usually poke a hole to smoke through in a hurry.... lol...... my pieces build up resin too quickly, I have to clean them every two weeks...... they get completely cleaned every month or two depending on use and storage..... I used to have a buddy come over and scrape it and he kept all the resin he scraped....... but I want to DO something with it...... and I am not particularly interested in smoking it......

and what I mean by scrape is he would get all the large chunks out that are relatively easy to get out without actually scraping the glass ;)


Well-Known Member
Now that I don't see myself running out of smoke ever again, it all gets washed away. I used to scrape it up and smoke it when I was young and fiending.


Well-Known Member
definetley smoke it! It's especially great when your out of bud, 4-5 big rez hits held in as long as you can and your baked as hell. I can usually smoke off the big ass resin ball for 4-5 days in bad times if i need to, but then i dont run out often and thats about the only time i scrape it so it usually is fucking just packed full of resin.


Well-Known Member
we used to take the logs and let it dry out for as long as possible and then roll them to thin little snakes an slip them in blunts. other than smoking it im not sure what you can do with it. I definitely wouldnt cook with it so its either chunk it or just keep a huge ball for backup, or to give to those bums that try and smoke all your stash when they run out.


Active Member
smoke it up dude, make a gravity bong, and pull it up real slow take it all in one big hit, it ill knock ya socks off! i dont view it as a clean way to smoke but it really works. wouldnt really call it resin either, over ere we call it gack!


Active Member
your 100% right, in dark times i mixed it with the bottom shelf of my grinder, think thats the keifs and twas epic!


Well-Known Member
Normally I wait till my bowl gets loaded with res, then i scraped up and drop on top of some fresh bud and kief. Kief makes it taste sweeter.:hump:


Well-Known Member
so no other suggestions besides ingestion..... interesting ;)....... any other ideas?

I don't know anyone that sells resin.......

Do you?

I might go on a journey to find other practical applications for the stuff......


Well-Known Member
you guys are crazy thats just shit ytes u will get high but u are not being healthy at all resin as u call it is just crap throw it away and smoke some fresh nice tasting weed fuck


Well-Known Member
you guys are crazy thats just shit ytes u will get high but u are not being healthy at all resin as u call it is just crap throw it away and smoke some fresh nice tasting weed fuck
Im interested in OTHER USES!!!! NOT SMOKING!

like an adhesive or something...... get it?

Any ideas?