What do I do!?


Well-Known Member
The last time I gave my plants any fertilizer was on the 19th of October. I thought they would be ready for harvest by the 5th of November, but I was wrong. They are going to need another week. I've been reading a lot about flushing lately and now I'm unsure as to what I need to be doing. I've been giving them nothing but distilled water with molasses. Tomorrow is watering day and I'm considering giving them maybe a half dosage of nutes? Would it be pointless to do that now? They only have around 9 days left so should I just keep doing what I'm doing? They look good to me and only a few of the lower leaves are yellowing. I just don't want to mess up the most important part of the marijuana life cycle. Thank you.


Well-Known Member
stop flushing...feed plant..plant make you happy...stop thinking you are on a specific timescale as to when they finish...they will be done when they are done...also if you give us some pictures we can help you better determine ripeness, but you need to look at your trich's, and pistils, and calyxes to properly judge when to harvest...only reason people "flush" towards the end is to cut off the nutrients because they think it will taste better...plenty of people will argue against flushing towards the end saying its a waste of time and reduces your yield by cutting it off...im leaning more towards that argument myself :)


Well-Known Member
I do check my trichomes. I bought a 100x handheld microscope and I've been checking them every few days. They are about 80% cloudy I would say. The pistils are turning orange/brownish and are about 50% to 60% covering the buds. The calyxes are quite swollen, but this is my first grow so I'm unsure as to how much more they may swell. I would love to take some pictures for you, but the digital camera isn't with me right now so those will have to wait till tomorrow. Thanks for your input. I think I may go ahead and give them some nutes tomorrow just to keep them trucking along. The fertilizer I am using is not organic. I believe it is salt based? I would believe that my medium would be pretty much salt free at this point.


Well-Known Member
If few leaves are yellowing at this point, I say go ahead with the half dose then go back to water.

Jorge Cervantes (sp. idk) was on a youtube vid I watched talking about how some bud he tried seemed like it wasnt flushed, tehre were chems left in the soil that affected the taste, I trust him.


Well-Known Member
If few leaves are yellowing at this point, I say go ahead with the half dose then go back to water.

Jorge Cervantes (sp. idk) was on a youtube vid I watched talking about how some bud he tried seemed like it wasnt flushed, tehre were chems left in the soil that affected the taste, I trust him.
Jorge Cervantes just want everyone to trust him what he wrote, im pretty sure he want you to buy his books etc...he just profit a lot of money....he never stop by here to contribuate his time to share with us...one grower is very cool and have time for us is SubCool , I trust him if i ever need help with my plants it will be Subcool, not Jorge. :D



Active Member
Well stated subcool is da man
Me personally I think jorge knows wat he's talkin about
But remember his methods aren't the only methods
I personally dunt flush


Well-Known Member
Jorge Cervantes just want everyone to trust him what he wrote, im pretty sure he want you to buy his books etc...he just profit a lot of money....he never stop by here to contribuate his time to share with us...one grower is very cool and have time for us is SubCool , I trust him if i ever need help with my plants it will be Subcool, not Jorge. :D

That makes little sense really. We all know what Jorge Cervantes has to say on the matter without giving him our money. You can read his advice anywhere for free. He has nothing to gain from telling people to flush. The nutrient companies, well that makes more sense.

Of course if simply making money in this industry is cause for concern, I suppose you shouldn't be listening to SubCool either. Except that he posts here and everyone seems to like him. :)


Well-Known Member
Leaves are suppost to loose there colour and die off near the last days of life. When all those magazines have nice beautiful plants that are nice and green and it says time to hrvest, thats bullshit, its all for entertainment purposes. If you smoked that weed it would be mad harsh from all the locked in nuets. If anything I herd the last watering to add mollasses. I never have but I def wouldnt nuet it up, at least if you want smoother smoke.