What do I do?


Well-Known Member
Ok...so here's my problem. I recently moved up state about 4 hours from my girlfriend. We've been together for about 7 months...and things are going well...except for being 4 hours apart. My problem is...I have trust issues..i've been cheated on a few times...my dad abandoned me when i was young...i don't know. But yeah...being this far away sucks. All day when i'm at work...she's all i can think about. I feel almost like i'm having anxiety attacks. I love her so much...so of course it's worth it. But how do i know she's holding up her end of the bargain...that always sits in the back of my head. =( I hate being so far away...it sucks. I love her...and I plan on proposing to her in january...and buying a house. But...I don't know...this anxiety sucks...any advice anyone?


Well-Known Member
trust her or cut her loose ,you can't have it both ways
Yeah, i trust her...but you know...it's always in the back of my mind. She's a good girl...and I love her. And she feels the same way about me...so...i'll just let it play out...i'm movin' her up here around january hopefully.

robert 14617

Well-Known Member
don't let that little green monster jealousy eat your brain , you have to put it out of your mind or this will never work


Well-Known Member
don't let that little green monster jealousy eat your brain , you have to put it out of your mind or this will never work
Yeah...i really do try my hardest to just trust her...and yeah. I recently lost a lot of weight...and i've never had such a beautiful girlfriend...it's tough. Plus...one of my exes had a thing where she liked to get with all my friends...so..i don't know. I need to nut up or shutup...eh?


Active Member
I've been with my girl for 3 and a half years now and we've been living 2 hours apart for a good 2 years. The first year of a relationship I used to be like you, always thinking of her and driving myself crazy anytime she would go out with her friends. Then I realized that she is doing the same stuff with her friends that I am, just having a good time not looking to cheat on me. Once you are together long enough you start to trust eachother and not worry so much. My advice is that you should treat her the way you want to be treated, and in the end if you found out she was sleeping around you still will have your pride, where she'll have nothing and no one to go to. In the end it will work out because you'll be a great man with a great family and if your girl is cheating on you she'll still be a cheating gf and get dumped by all the guys shes with.... Fortune favors the true


Well-Known Member
I've been with my girl for 3 and a half years now and we've been living 2 hours apart for a good 2 years. The first year of a relationship I used to be like you, always thinking of her and driving myself crazy anytime she would go out with her friends. Then I realized that she is doing the same stuff with her friends that I am, just having a good time not looking to cheat on me. Once you are together long enough you start to trust eachother and not worry so much. My advice is that you should treat her the way you want to be treated, and in the end if you found out she was sleeping around you still will have your pride, where she'll have nothing and no one to go to. In the end it will work out because you'll be a great man with a great family and if your girl is cheating on you she'll still be a cheating gf and get dumped by all the guys shes with.... Fortune favors the true
Thanks man....much appreciated. Exactly what i needed to hear. I'm not a "fling" type of girl...i've always been in relationships 1+ years....and...i really think she's the one...and she feels the same way. So i'll take your advice bro...thanks again. Much appreciated.


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the action, treated as a criminal offense, of demanding money from a person in return for not revealing compromising or injurious information about that person