what do i do with these stems


Well-Known Member
:leaf:i have a half oz of stems. what can do to make the most out of it. i know it wont be much, but itll give me some practice at least, and i dont care if i get a bowl of something or like two cupcakes, i just want it to get me nice and stone cause i need something different than just the same weed everyday and i cant get anything else right now.:leaf::?:


Well-Known Member
so how much butter should i use? if i use like a cup of butter for a half oz of stems, think thatll be potent enough? and, is it better to grind up the stems? i hear that depreciates the value/potentcy of it.


Well-Known Member
2 cups water
1 stick butter1/4 pound
slow cooker

Grind the stems put the water butter and ground stuff in the cooker. turn it on. 3 to 6 hours later strain it. water and all.
Pot the strained liquid in the fridge till the butter sets up.
Use the butter....
I am buzzed but this seems correct.


Well-Known Member
actually i just put it on the stove with a stick of butter, less than a quarter cup of water on top of the stove low heat for about a half hour. it looks nice, now i just gotta try it.


Active Member
Well did it work? I thought that stems contain virtually no psychoactive cannibinoids, but if not I have been very wasteful over the yearslll :leaf:


Well-Known Member
well im kinda broke so i cant think of anything to make with only about 2 and a half oz of butter maybe just melt it in rice or mashed pototatoes? maybe ill have to wait till i go shopping.


Well-Known Member
I made some snikerdoodles out of vaporized bud a week or so ago 22 grams ground up and 1 cup of shortening simmer on lowest setting for 1.5.. and all i have to say is a broke on through to the other side..lol