What did you accomplish today?


Well-Known Member
I was actually thinking about decorating a large weed plant this year...No one will be stopping by except maybe a few stoner friends....,I have a few 4-5' that would be about perfect. Hmmmmm, I have done crazier things!

20 days til Chrtistmas...and I have not done a thing....except for Christmas lights outdoors!

Shoulder is just a throbbing this a.m., probably from moving and planting and all that fun shit yesterday!


Well-Known Member
I was actually thinking about decorating a large weed plant this year...No one will be stopping by except maybe a few stoner friends....,I have a few 4-5' that would be about perfect. Hmmmmm, I have done crazier things!

20 days til Chrtistmas...and I have not done a thing....except for Christmas lights outdoors!

Shoulder is just a throbbing this a.m., probably from moving and planting and all that fun shit yesterday!
I forget who's tree this was, I talked him into putting lights on it.xmas2.jpg


Well-Known Member
Why would you SAY that?!? I was all warm and comfy in my bed under the covers, now I gotta get up and roll a joint, then go outside in the frigid cold to smoke it!
Outdoors...Damned, I'd probably quit. haha, who am I kidding! I remember having to go to the bathroom and close the door, turn the exhaust fan on to smoke, when there were kids in the house....or if I was gonna smoke a cigarette! So glad I gave those up, oh about 40 pounds ago, lol.


Well-Known Mod
Staff member
Outdoors...Damned, I'd probably quit. haha, who am I kidding! I remember having to go to the bathroom and close the door, turn the exhaust fan on to smoke, when there were kids in the house....or if I was gonna smoke a cigarette! So glad I gave those up, oh about 40 pounds ago, lol.
It's times like this I enjoy being female ;D I smoke where I want. I wash my pots in my dishwasher! Felted pots go in my washing machine ;D


Well-Known Member
Well I put 7 items on EBay last Saturday....I withdrew one when I noticed it was damaged, and they withdrew one for it being a weapon...so 5 left and 3 have bids and will sell. We'll see what's leftover after they take all their fees. It is kind of fun...especially when something skyrockets in price at the last few moments.

Gotta head out once again to try and get a state inspection sticker on my truck...Geeze!! I put new brakes on it, went back a few days ago and the machine was down, so they told me to come back today.

You'll never get the sticky off 'em, don't ask how I know.
Mine are only in the 2nd -3rd week of flower so not too sticky yet, but nah, not gonna ruin a $600+ plant on silliness.

I should pick up some ice while out and make some Christmas bubble hash :-) Or what I really want to make, is burritos!! I have a hankerin' :lol: