What could this b from


Well-Known Member
I'm new to this and can't identify the problem could someone help me before it's to late
May want to post this to plant problem but I can probably help.

What kind of soil are you using? Nutrients?

It may be nothing, sometimes a single leaf will simply just putt out on ya, the rest of your plant looks healthy as far as I can see.


Dyna pro at half strength which is a half of teaspoon per gallon,could it be me using the using that same mix as a foliage spray?I stopped spraying leaves with it and it seems to be going away


Active Member
Looks like you mite have got water on the leaves during watering and your lamp burned it. Make sure you dont get water on the plant when watering. Not saying thats what it is for sure but it could be.


Active Member
Maybe over fertilized what kind of soil are you using? Is there already nutes in the soil? If theres nutes in the soil you dont wanna add nutes. If you are using regular soil then your all good to add but you maybe adding too much give it less then your giving it now as the plant grows its will take more.