what cell phone graces you pocket?


Well-Known Member
simple topic what cell phone do you currently have?

I just got a new one yesterday its a CECT P168C AkA the ifone (its an iphone clone)


Well-Known Member
old as nokia. isnt even coloured screen haha. does the job i keep losing or breaking the things so i stopped spending money on them


Well-Known Member
yea they need to make a MAN PHONE one that can tollerate hard knocks and being dropped by clumsy fingers frequently etc
they have bro, its yellow and black and looks ugly as shit:mrgreen: but it can be dropped off the back of a moving jeep and still work fine.


Well-Known Member
any phone can be droped off the bach of a moving jeep and go. but to weather it can be dropped of it heaps and run over is the challenge. or a 20 story building than ill be impressed. can this phone go for a swim?


Well-Known Member
yea they need to make a MAN PHONE one that can tollerate hard knocks and being dropped by clumsy fingers frequently etc
that's true. but it's not so much that I accidentaly drop it, it's more like, I toss my phones across the streets and pray that it lands on the nice, soft grass rather than the hard, cold asphalt or sidewalk...my phones usually get bathed in my pants pockets as well in the wash.


Well-Known Member
They do have a "Military Phone" that can stay sumerged under water for over 3 hours and can be dropped from high hights. It also has a 7.0 MP cam


Well-Known Member
They do have a "Military Phone" that can stay sumerged under water for over 3 hours and can be dropped from high hights. It also has a 7.0 MP cam
that's pretty impressive man for the camera. mine only has 2.0 MPs. that other shit is pretty cool too I suppose. don't really know when I'm gonna need to drop my phone off a building into a lake though. but then again, when am I ever going to need to take nice pictures with my phone as well?


Well-Known Member
that's true. but it's not so much that I accidentaly drop it, it's more like, I toss my phones across the streets and pray that it lands on the nice, soft grass rather than the hard, cold asphalt or sidewalk...my phones usually get bathed in my pants pockets as well in the wash.

haha i do the same just didnt want to igmit it. and when ive had a few i dont care so much so it gets thrown a bit more and a bit harder that military phone sounds good wonder if it on sale and how much. and how bulky it is


Well-Known Member
amen to that...bitch ass razors

LG Chocolate son! I got it pretty recently but its not "new".
ah dude, watch out with that phone. i had one last year when they were new out.

the touch pad stopped working, the screen lagged like hell, i could never answer my phone bcoz the buttons wernt responding. all i could do was text - that is when the screen was working.

i didnt drop the phone once. it just gets like that after excessive use. i even took it back after awhile, got a new one and that one did the same!

btw i have the Nokia N95


Well-Known Member
haha i do the same just didnt want to igmit it. and when ive had a few i dont care so much so it gets thrown a bit more and a bit harder that military phone sounds good wonder if it on sale and how much. and how bulky it is

uhhh its not too bulky but it will put a bulde in your pocket.

If i remember right its about 350$ and thats about 2 years ago