What causes the cough?


Active Member
This site is awesome, can't believe I have missed out on so much. Anyway, I am tired of buying smoke from friends because it makes me cough very hard whenever I take a hit, so I am interested in growing my own. I don't think I can do it, but I will try.

I already read the FAQ's but it didn't say how you can grow, that will not make you cough.



Well-Known Member
good starting strain, organic nutes give good flavor, lots of love (people tell me they feel the love in my weed), good flushing before harvest and follow up with a nice long cure.

they've been smoking schwagg. when you grow and finish you will be much happier.


Well-Known Member
Adding a little molasses towards the end will give a smooth smoke too, amongst other benefits.
Peace........oh and welcome aboard littleJoe!


Well-Known Member
there are soooo many different strains out there. you could be smoking...any one of them. normally, depending on how they're grown affects the plant's potency. or the pipe you're smoking out of might be nice and makes the hit seem much harder?


Active Member
I don't use a pipe, I just roll it up with papers, but I've tried pipes and I still cough so hard that I get heart burn, ha. I'll try the molasses thing....thanks Video.


no one mentioned curing? curing is one of the biggest parts of the non-harsh smoke...

videoman's water cure link explains the water cure which will reduce your coughing probobly the most.


Well-Known Member
I'm too stoned to think crooked right now.....but thanks russ0r.
Yeah, that's it.....water curing!


Well-Known Member
good starting strain, organic nutes give good flavor, lots of love (people tell me they feel the love in my weed), good flushing before harvest and follow up with a nice long cure.

they've been smoking schwagg. when you grow and finish you will be much happier.

right there. the first reply. come on notice me. jk

i said LONG cure.