What can i use!!!


Well-Known Member
k well this is my first grow and i have some plants that are growing outside, and i was wondering if anyone had any tips/secrets that could help me to keep animals away and bugs off....stuff that i dont have to go buy....my friend told me to pour beer on it but i think he is just fuckin retarded:joint:


Active Member
hey man your best bet would be to buy some chicken wire and put that around your plants...another sugestion is to keep peeing around your site alot..thats what iv been doing on my grow and so far its working :mrgreen: as for bugs im not really sure wat to do but i havent had any problems with that.
best of luck on the grow man!!! a
and i wouldent go pouring beer on your babies either :blsmoke:


Well-Known Member
ya thats wut i was thinking...bout the beer, and not even gunna try it...but thanks bout the peeing around the area never thought of that one


Well-Known Member
Banana Peels
Chop banana peels and add into soil when you transplant tomatoes and green peppers. This will ensure very strong trunks and stems. Banana peels contain 3.25% phosphorus and 41.76% potash. They're also an excellent fertilizer for roses, but use sparingly; two or three peels per PLANT at a time is about right.

Daddy Longlegs
Most active at night, daddy longlegs (also known as harvestman), prey on aphids, mites, leafhoppers, and other garden insects.

Not only do they add lime, nitrogen, and phosphorus to the soil, eggshells also help to foil cutworms when crushed and sprinkled around seedlings.

In the larval stage the firefly can be considered of material benefit to man. The growing juveniles eat animals that feed on the leaves. Their favorite foods are the small SNAILS they share living quarters with in decaying wood and soil.

Gophers Gone
If you have a problem with gophers digging in your lawn try this: put two or three bulbs of garlic, several chili peppers, and some water in your blender and blend well. Pour this down some of the gopher holes and rinse with a strong stream of water from the hose.

Newspaper Mulch
To make newspaper mulch for vegetables: place several layers between plant rows, and keep them wet so they won't blow around. Also weigh them down with a few clods of earth. Weeds won't sprout underneath, and when the papers decompose, they enrich the soil.

Quicker Decomposition
Compost will break down and decay faster if the compost heap is placed in a shady location.

Red Spider Mites
These little peskies seem to appear suddenly, especially on tomato leaves, when really hot weather hits. Organic Plant Protection (Rodale Press) states: "A spray of two percent oil of coriander will kill the spider mite; a spray of anise oil should do as well." Frequent spraying with plain water will also help.

Sea Shell Mulch
Save those sea shells you collected at the beach and turn them into mulch. Face the cups of the shells upwards for those plants that need high humidity. Each time you water, the cups will fill with water and then evaporate into the air around the plant.

Watch for a Cloudy Day
Bright sun can hurt newly planted seedlings, so always try to transplant them during an overcast day in late afternoon or evening. Shading them the first day or two is also helpful if the sun comes out.

For all outdoor growers;here are some effective nontoxic ways for killing insects

Today's scientists are discovering more and more plants that produce natural bactericides, fungicides, and insecticides. In fact, many nontoxic household products are considered effective in the war against gardening pests. Below are the acceptable organic controls that gardeners find most effective today.

Household detergents: Mix these insecticides right in your kitchen.

1) USDA recommendation: Mix one teaspoon of liquid dishwashing detergent with one cup of vegetable oil. Shake vigorously to emulsify and add to a quart of tap water. Use at 10-day intervals as an all-purpose spray for white flies, spider mites, aphids, and various insects on carrots, celery, cucumbers, eggplants, peppers, and others. We've used it on evergreens and other ornamentals. Note: Test on a single plant first, because it may cause tip burn. This is a contact insecticide, so spray mix directly on the pest.

2) Liquid detergent-alcohol spray:

Mix one teaspoon of liquid dishwashing detergent plus one cup of rubbing alcohol in one quart of water. Test on a few leaves first to make sure no harm is done to sensitive plants. Spray top and bottom sides of leaves; or if plant is small and potted, invert it in a large pan of solution (holding soil ball securely) and gently swish back and forth. Repeat in seven days.

3) Liquid detergent—hot pepper spray:

Steep three tablespoons of dry, crushed hot pepper in 1/2 cup hot water (covered) for half an hour. Strain out the particles of peppers, and then mix solution with the liquid detergent formula mentioned above. Good for a number of insects on both indoor and outdoor plants. Note: Apply to plants outdoors. Do not use on windy days. Avoid breathing fumes, which can be irritating to nose and eyes. You can substitute hot Tabasco sauce or Louisiana hot sauce for hot pepper.

Pyrethrin: This natural insecticide derived from the pyrethrum plant (Chrysanthemum cinerariaefolium). Along with pyrethroid, its synthetic substitute, it is highly effective against a wide range of insects. Each should be used according to manufacturer's directions.

Lime sulfur: This old-timer, still used by both organic and nonorganic gardeners, is applied during the dormant period. Kills most species of mites as well as mite eggs and those of many other insects. Lime sulfur also has fungicidal value and can be used on fruit trees as well as ornamentals. Note: Lime sulfur applied to plants near the house will stain the paint. Apply cautiously near buildings.

Sabadilla: Made from seeds of a South American lily. Used for squash bugs and stink bugs. Irritating to eyes and lungs if care is not taken. Use according to manufacturer's directions.

Garlic and onions: Grind up raw onions or garlic into a puree. Soak in warm water overnight and strain. Liquid can be sprayed on roses, fruit trees, and flowers. Kills aphids . Scrape off any loose bark on the trunk and swab liquid on. Many gardeners mix onion water and wood ashes and paste mixture on tree trunks.

Ryania: Made from ground stems and roots of a South American shrub. Controls European and worms. See directions on container.

Tomato leaves, crushed: To avoid chemical sprays, try using crushed tomato leaves for leaf-spot diseases. Tomato leaves contain solanine, a chemical that has an inhibiting effect on black spot fungus. Grind two cups of leaves to a puree. Add five pints of water and one ounce of cornstarch. Keep refrigerated.

Tobacco water: Cigar and cigarette butts will kill worms in the soil of houseplants. Mix a solution of tobacco and water so that it is the color of brown tea; pour on the soil. Don't let anyone drink it by mistake! The solution kills fungus gnats, symphylids, centipedes, root lice, and other underground pests—and it COULD KILL YOU.!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

If you have aphids or other insects in your terrarium or dish garden, ask a friend who smokes to blow cigarette smoke into the glass and then seal the top. The smoke knocks plant lice for a loop.

Snuff: For tiny flies or worms in the soil of house plants, try sprinkling snuff on the surface. Note. Do not use homemade tobacco remedies on tomatoes, peppers, eggplants, and other members of the Solanum family. It could spread tobacco virus to these plants.

Retenone: An old remedy for killing Mexican bean beetles. It is produced from derris, a plant found in Central and South America. Kills aphids, thrips, and chewing insects on contact. Note: Toxic to fish and nesting birds.

Hot pepper: To discourage cats, dogs, many insect pests, and snails from munching, dust powdered hot pepper or a spray of hot pepper sauce on plants.

Oil and sulfur sprays: Petroleum oils (of organic derivation) have been used successfully for killing insects for over 200 years. Apply only on "hard" or woody plants. There are two types:

1) Dormant oil should be used only when plants are dormant — in winter or early spring.

2) Summer oil should be used during the growing season and restricted to woody plants. Some oil sprays can be applied in either summer or winter.

Miscible oil sprays kill insects and eggs such as over-wintering leaf rollers and aphid and mite eggs. They also kill scale insects and adult mites. Dilute with water according to manufacturer's directions. The oils cause little or no harm to most beneficial insects, and resistance to sprays does not build up with oils.

Talcum powder: Effective against flea beetles and corn ear worm. Lightly dust leave surfaces after every rain.

Soaps as insecticides: Soapsuds are ideal for killing aphids. Many home gardeners prefer vegetable- or plant-based soaps as effective aphicides.

Rhubarb leaves: Boil one pound of chopped leaves in one quart of water for 30 minutes. Strain and use as a spray against aphids and other pests.

Garlic and red-pepper spray: Grind up a large bulb of garlic (or a large onion). Add one tablespoon of ground cayenne pepper and one quart of water. Steep for one hour. Strain liquid into a sprayer or watering can and refrigerate remainder in a tightly covered jar. It will be potent for several weeks, and is effective on all kinds of chewing and sucking insects.

Spearmint spray: Put into a blender one cup of chopped spearmint leaves, one cup of green onion tops, and 1/2 cup of chopped hot-red pepper. Add 1/2 cup of water to assist in blending. Pour solution into a gallon of water. Add 1/2 cup of liquid detergent (preferably lemon-scented). Dilute by adding 1/2 cup of mixture to a quart of plain tap water.

If the plant is small, dunk it in this solution, otherwise strain it and spray on. Effective on all chewing insects.


Active Member
I have read that you can use beer in a pie dish or something similar will keep slugs away from your plants. Slugs love beer, they crawl in the dish and drown themselves. But you would have to check the container quite frequently I would think if it's outside.


Active Member
I have something eating my leaves aswell, it looks like bite marks on the sides of the leaves
Does anybody know what pest is doing this or anything that will make it stop?


Active Member
Beer will drown the slugs, it does work. You only need to worry about slugs on the lower leaves though. I use Neem oil to keep other bugs away, seems to work fine.


Active Member
So you say that bugs are eating away at your leaves? Although it greatly depends on what part of the U.S. you live in, but i can almost be sure you either have Aphids, or Catapilar Worms. Both are commonly found around short bushy plants with sweet smelling leaves. Aphids can easily be taken care of but in an interesting way. Go to your local nursery and purchase a package of Praying Mantis'. They will ONLY eat bugs, they are not herbivores, (leaf eaters) so you dont even have to worry about them eating your leaves. Put them directly on your plants and let them do their thing! As for the catapilar Worms, the only thing you can do is pick them off your plants, or you can ruin your plants by spraying bugspray on them, which i DO NOT recommend!


Well-Known Member
Get your buddy to shave his head and then spread his hair all around the grow. Deers hate the smell of human hair and take heed at the presence of humans. You can also do this with dog hair...but i find human hair to be most effective


Active Member
k well this is my first grow and i have some plants that are growing outside, and i was wondering if anyone had any tips/secrets that could help me to keep animals away and bugs off....stuff that i dont have to go buy....my friend told me to pour beer on it but i think he is just fuckin retarded
hey you saw the movie bubble boy well ...use a co2 tank or two with a plastic "bubble " a help full hint . also the peeing arond it works for coons and possoums and such. a little pee in a five gallon bucket provides a exelent sorce of nitrogen. .little green spiders are helpful toward the plant so dont flick those off.mg them every day and hope for the best.poke the smot dude.:joint:


Active Member
the best cure for deer is to hang zest soap at about 2 to 3 feet above the ground. The scent of the soap seems to make them think man I guess but have used it effectively for many years. Mogie has listed some great methods also which I also use both for my babies and for my veggies. Good Growing


Active Member
How do you use the neem oil? i think i have slugs my other flowers started getting eaten up and i just saw a HUGE (size of middle finger) thing on it it was slimey and had spots i have smaller ones on eating my baby buds what should i do???

Beer will drown the slugs, it does work. You only need to worry about slugs on the lower leaves though. I use Neem oil to keep other bugs away, seems to work fine.


Well-Known Member
I dont know what kind of animales you have in your area but here the major problem are wild hogs, and chicken wire wont even keep them off. Same with deer, they will pull the wire off. Try to get you some bear sent to spray around the area. You can get it online and at most huntting supplie stores for about $20.


Well-Known Member
I forgot to mention call your local game warden and ask if bear's are in you area, becuses the bear sent will attract other bears, but outher animales will stay away. I do alot of camping and had 2 tents tore up by hogs untill my father-inlaw truned me on to it. I spray around my camp site now and have not had any prob with hogs since...

I know you said you dont want to buy anything but $20-$30 is worth saving your babies.


Well-Known Member
I forgot to mention call your local game warden and ask if bear's are in you area, becuses the bear sent will attract other bears, but outher animales will stay away. I do alot of camping and had 2 tents tore up by hogs untill my father-inlaw truned me on to it. I spray around my camp site now and have not had any prob with hogs since...

I know you said you dont want to buy anything but $20-$30 is worth saving your babies.

hahahaah, Good thing you remembered!

"well yea, i guess it kept the deers away, but a fucking bear ate my arm"