What Can I Do To Help My Lowryder#2 Survive !


Active Member
Ok here is the deal i popped my LR2 in root riot plugs last thursday 2 days later she was above ground and growing now its almost 1 week its on its seccond set of true leaves there are no roots exiting the plug yet i transplanted it around day 3 into my water farm because there were some small roots emerging and on larger one coming out of the bottom so i put it into hydroton im thinking i did it too early becaus i moved some rocks aside to see if there were roots and nada so i pulled the plug out all the way and the roots that were there were gone and no new ones were growing sounds like i fucked up somehow any ideas how i can get here on the right track? how should i have the cube to promote root growth and then when should i transplant into the hydroton in my GH Waterfarm (no pic cam is broken)


Well-Known Member
I would just keep it in the hydroton, if its still green and perky leave it be, and keep it warm to encourage root growth. I had a similar problem with some lemon skunk not too long ago, I had 1 weakling, never grew roots, but remained green and lush...it was a sloooow grower.


Well-Known Member
And quit messing with it... movement, light, pressure... all bad for root tips/hairs... just leave it in the hydroton but try to water barely around the plug to encourage root growth


Active Member
yeah its growing pretty slow if ya ask me lol LAME! haha i been reading around about getting the roots a lil longer befor trans into hydroton i had an idea what do you think about this i took a plastic cup put a hole in the bottom that the root riot plug will go into then the the cube is suspended in air then i got that under some cfls now any sugestions on watering schedual to promote root expansion ? also in my Gh waterfarm the water from the drippers dont reach the center of the system thats kinda weak imho thanks for the reply!


Active Member
And quit messing with it... movement, light, pressure... all bad for root tips/hairs... just leave it in the hydroton but try to water barely around the plug to encourage root growth
So you recomend putting it back into the waterfarm over finding a way to grow the roots out a lil larger and heathyer befor transplanting back? and how should i water it to promote root growth? it seems like the root riot drys out rather quickly how many times a day if more than once should i water and for how long tell i can just run the waterfarm drip ring for watering