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Well-Known Member
Those Dutch backing bands are tight. Some great musicians in your country @Sativied Here's a recent Ayreon with Canadian Brittany Slayes. She was covering for Floor Jansen here. Not sure if the prog Metal is up your alley or not....



Well-Known Member
I‘m not even familiar with Ayreon, which just shows as typical NL quickly becomes too small for the better musicians. Those who stick to dutch language and become successful are rare, the better ones who sing in English tend to get far more popular abroad than in NL.

One of the better ones:

Lead singer quit years ago, often the replacement isn’t better but this guy rocks. Seen them perform live many times.

Also like Chef’ Special:

And of course Herman Brood



Well-Known Member
Couldn’t leave out best example:

This is still imo one of the best songs and performances ever. 1984, what a year. Best part starts at 2 min in:

They don’t make ‘m as cool as Barry Hay anymore.

By far best band NL ever produced:

Road trip music:


Well-Known Member
Moroccan/Canadian singer I just caught onto. Not my genre style, but I like to listen. Keeps your musical mind awake.
