What are these little white fuckers?


Well-Known Member
When looking closely at my girl, i can see these little white creatures on my bud, they are proper small around 1cm long and i aint seen them before?


Spider mites are going to be about the size of a pin head and u should see little white dots in your plants from them sucking out the juice from the leaves. If small webs, then yeah, definitely spider mites. They may also be white flys. If you see what look like little tunnels in the leaves then thats the larvae burrowing through your plant, feeding as they go. The damage is what should concern you. If the plant looks healthy then no worries.


Active Member
There should not be bugs on your plants! If they are mites they can be tough to battle. Get some neem oil or I use AzaMax. There are products out there you just have to see what will work for you. They can ruin your hard work so be proactive.