what are the top 10 mistakes advanced/new growers make?


Well-Known Member
1..Trying to grow with Mom in the house, and all the lies and deceit that follows

2..Pretending that you know it all, when in fact one has just skimmed the surface

3..The absolute biggest mistake for any Nooby "is bringing a knife to a gun fight"


Well-Known Member
over watering, over feeding, high temps/unmananged ventilation/poor circulation--and concomitant humidity issues. Then, the biggest one of all i'd say, proper drying AND curing.
just my two cents though


Well-Known Member
For newbies: jumping in a little too early before having everything needed, not understanding the grow medium well enough, assuming great bud just grows like a weed, assuming more of the stuff in the pretty bottles is better, confusing deficiencies with lock outs, inadequate lighting, not understanding ppm and ph...and I was guilty of all of those!

For advanced growers: the pest or mold that you've never had before!


Well-Known Member

Over fertilizing.

Under lighting.

Bringing in pests / disease.

Not finishing plan/build before starting plants.


Active Member
In the middle of my first grow. I have committed most of the above atrocities.....I don't expect a great yield, just looking to keep them alive and improve next time.

mr sunshine

Well-Known Member
Over watering
Early harvesting
over drying
under drying
harvesting to late
telling or showing people they are growing thousands of dollar's in weed
ph being off
over feeding.
fucking with plants to much
Dirty ass grow room.


Well-Known Member
Great thread idea!!! I have not grown yet. Been researching for about two months; online and bought a few books. Plan on beginning in April.


Well-Known Member
Over watering
Early harvesting
over drying
under drying
harvesting to late
telling or showing people they are growing thousands of dollar's in weed
ph being off
over feeding.
fucking with plants to much
Dirty ass grow room.
I may be new but line 6 sounds like the worst thing you could do ... "telling or showing people they are growing thousands of dollar's in weed"


Well-Known Member
YES! Easily and by far the worst mistake is being too proud to keep your mouth shut....remember, Loose Lips Sink Ships!


Well-Known Member
Spending more time with your plants than you do with your wife/girlfriend, that will be the biggest mistake you ever make!! :weed:


Well-Known Member
1 over watering - only water when the top half inch of soil is bone dry, NOT by a schedule ie watering it every 48 hours regardless if it needs it.

2 over feeding - If your soil has nutes in it to start you will NOT have to give anything but water for about 3 weeks. Once you transplant another 3 weeks etc. I usually don't even have to feed until like 2 weeks of flower. Pay attention to the lowest leaves. If they are still green your plant is not hungry, do not feed a plant that isn't hungry.

3 under feeding - If your plant is pale , and yellowing or showing other leaf abnormalities, chances are the plant is hungry. Try N for yellowing from the base up, and an all around food with all the micros for weird leaf symptoms. like the calcium def blotching, or the magnesium marbling.

4 Vegging too long. Yes, If your growing indoors and want a decent manageable size plant you need not veg longer than 2 - 3 weeks, or about 5-7 nodes in height. The plant will shoot up to it's target height regardless. Why veg for 6 weeks when you can get the same result in 3. Only difference is if you veg it longer it will start flowering slightly quicker. I have a c99 right now, vegged for 2 weeks and 6 inches. By 2.5 weeks it is 4 feet tall and bushy as hell, untopped, AND showed pistils at day 10.

5 Chopping too early. I know it's tempting but wait until its ready. usually 1- 2 weeks past breeder recommendations is the sweet spot

6 Telling everyone - Just keep it to yourself if you don't want any heat or long lost " friends" coming out of the woodwork.

7 Not considering the smell - either research a good low odour strain or make sure you got a carbon filer.

8 Positioning the light source to far away. When you see these straggly ass plants that's more stem than leaf, the plant was too far away from the light. Use your hand to guage the warmth the leaves will be feeling and get it as close as you think possible.

9 Wasting money on all these stupid ass products with little cartoons on em to make em look cool in the hope that you will get extra weight. If you keep the plant healthy it will yield for you. You don't get Kushy kush or whatever other bs adding weight to monster outdoor plants.

10 Taking peoples advice on forums blindly , taking the wrong peoples advice and ignoring the wrong peoples advice. 10 k posts doesn't mean the guy can grow a fucking thing. Take it all on board, google it yourself and come to your own conclusions, but if you stick around and look at the journal section you will know whos opinion counts.


Virtually Unknown Member
having suffered thru a bout or 2 of spider mites; not looking real close at your plants on a regular basis.


4 Vegging too long. Yes, If your growing indoors and want a decent manageable size plant you need not veg longer than 2 - 3 weeks, or about 5-7 nodes in height. The plant will shoot up to it's target height regardless. Why veg for 6 weeks when you can get the same result in 3. Only difference is if you veg it longer it will start flowering slightly quicker. I have a c99 right now, vegged for 2 weeks and 6 inches. By 2.5 weeks it is 4 feet tall and bushy as hell, untopped, AND showed pistils at day 10.
4 ft!! whaattt the sativa strech


Well-Known Member
well just shy of 4 ft. 45 inches , but I had to tie it down in the end. so yeah it would have been over 4 foot now. Like 2- 3 inches every day, was like watching it grow in fast forward! Worked out great though tying it, because there is like at least 10 tops all even with each other now gonna yield insane. Hope to get a pic of it on here when the time is right.

I learned that little veg tip off the sagarmatha website. Just about all his strains he advises to veg to 5 -7 nodes . I tried it and he is spot on.


Well-Known Member
actually you know what I think I know the number 1 thing new growers do. They over water the plant, which causes yellowing, THEN make it worse by blasting it with nutrients thinking that it's hungry. Getting the watering right is the biggest hurdle. We all want to baby them when we start but you need to understand the roots need to dry and get a little oxygen as much as it needs water. Then you gotta realise small vegging plants do not need very many nutrients. once you figure these things out it gets easier. Speaking from experience.