What about the carbon filter exhaust from a tent?


Hi there.

Using a tent seems like a good solution for me because of my situation. What I'm wondering though, is what is the quality of the air exhausted from the tent through the carbon filter? It seems to me that the whole room would probably stink anyway. Thin fabric isn't going to keep the odor contained. Would ducting it outside make much of a difference?

I'd appreciate anyone's experience/thoughts.



Active Member
Filters do not filter 100% but they do work... and its not just a thin piece of fabric... the whole canister contains activated charcoal which filters the stink


Ursus marijanus
A pleasure. I am soundly impressed with how good the charcoal filter is. I run the Phresh brand.
This is also my second season running a tent ... a Secret Jardin. i am also impressed with it. It does a solid job keeping light in and out, and it retained no odor when i broke it down for the summer fallow season. cn


Well-Known Member
Not to say that I'm against brands, but I recall watching a history documentary where 90% or so of the world's activated carbon comes from one place.


Active Member
I use a tent myself and I have no problems with odor. Just get an inline fan and carbon filter and your good to go.


Ursus marijanus
Not to say that I'm against brands, but I recall watching a history documentary where 90% or so of the world's activated carbon comes from one place.
~sigh~ I'd rather not buy Chinese, but ~elaborate shrug~ whaddyagonnado. cn

Rancho Cucamonga

Active Member
I use carbon filters in every grow room and no smell whatsoever, and in the winter months I exhaust most grow rooms into home. If you exhaust into home the only thing you will smell is a charcoal smell, maybe sweet type smell maybe not, and usually at lights out a "planty" smell will make it through the carbon filter and the room exhausted in smells lightly planty for a few minutes. No worries as exhaust grow room air through a carbon filter is clean, it's just a bit humid.

Edit-Oh, I ONLY use Can-Filter brand.


Ursus marijanus
I use carbon filters in every grow room and no smell whatsoever, and in the winter months I exhaust most grow rooms into home. If you exhaust into home the only thing you will smell is a charcoal smell, maybe sweet type smell maybe not, and usually at lights out a "planty" smell will make it through the carbon filter and the room exhausted in smells lightly planty for a few minutes. No worries as exhaust grow room air through a carbon filter is clean, it's just a bit humid.
I've noticed that "planty" (a bright "green" metallic/grassy) smell at lights out. I've used it to chase down leaks in my ducting. Once I found the leaks, no odor. cn


Ursus marijanus


Thanks for all the replies everyone! I am going to go ahead with my plan to get a tent. I can live with a 'plant' smell. :-) My seedlings are up, day two now!


Well-Known Member
I get zero plant smell from my tent just a lil carbon no plant smell at all lights on or off I run phresh filters I would highly recommend


Well-Known Member
Carbon filter on my tent has been working great. i cant smell a thing until i unzip the tent and stick my head in, then its like getting hit with a wall of weed and plant smell lol. but outside the tent you cant smell a thing. im running a 4" fan on a matching filter, and since im usign leds i can keep the fan at about 10% of max power, still effective since all air leaving the tent is pulled through the filter because of the negative pressure created open vent holes in the tent will only pull air inwards