Weird question

I've been reviewing the forums here, trying to find someone who has the same reaction to cannabis that I do, and so far no luck, so I thought I would ask.

While I used to smoke a long time ago, I recently tried it again and remembered why I quit in the first place.. Of late I've smoked about seven different indica strains and I don't get giggly, don't get hungry, don't feel happy. I basically just get numb and in one particularly case severe vertigo and tunnel vision. Overall it just kind of sucks. Am I jealous of people that do enjoy marijuana ... you will never know how much.

So, does anyone else have this reaction or am I just a freak of nature?
Virtigo and tunnel vision are hallucinationary trait which says 2 me ya had 2 much for your tolerance level, ya mates stitched u so they could laugh at you it sounds like...

When I started I only done very high doses and I was otherwordly~high for 5 hours, sometimes being sick lol


Well-Known Member
A lot of folks don't tolerate cannabis. I've experienced derealization/depersonalization, which apparently is the most common negative reaction behind generalized anxiety/paranoia. It sucks, but there's not much you can do.

Ive tried various strains with no success. Indicas are generally better. I'm currently running my first CBD strains, CBD Critical Cure and CBD Blue Shark, they've got 5-6 weeks left of flower. I'll post my experiences with them when they're done.
Virtigo and tunnel vision are hallucinationary trait which says 2 me ya had 2 much for your tolerance level, ya mates stitched u so they could laugh at you it sounds like...

When I started I only done very high doses and I was otherwordly~high for 5 hours, sometimes being sick lol
Given that that was the first time in 20 years, I'm sure I had no tolerance, but I only smoke with my girlfriend who wasn't expecting that reaction. The vertigo and tunnel vision only lasted about 15 minutes before I just felt numb.
High THC strains have that hallucinogenic trait, hence smokes classed a hallucinogenic.

Cbd cancels out the psychoactive effects of thc
A lot of folks don't tolerate cannabis. I've experienced derealization/depersonalization, which apparently is the most common negative reaction behind generalized anxiety/paranoia. It sucks, but there's not much you can do.

Ive tried various strains with no success. Indicas are generally better. I'm currently running my first CBD strains, CBD Critical Cure and CBD Blue Shark, they've got 5-6 weeks left of flower. I'll post my experiences with them when they're done.
Thanks, I'm glad to know I'm not the only person who has issues. No one seems to understand when I tell them that I've tried it but don't like it. I've never smoked a sativa strain, but I've given up on it, after all there is no reason I NEED to smoke cannabis.

Kind Sir

Well-Known Member
My gf had that A FEW TIMES when she was younger. I personally, am in outpAtient rehab so my "meds" probably take an effect along with paranoia from it being my first grow but I get so tweaky at times I have to jump in the shower. Never used to be like that. Sounds weird just being honest, so NO YOUR NOT A FREAK.


Well-Known Member
To be honest, when I smoke now (versus college days), I notice that the high is more physical and less mental. I'm alot less silly and if I overdo it, I'll just get tired, or even light headed.

Let me suggest this: if you haven't already, try vaping. I bought my buddy a 'magic flight launch box', and the high associated with vaping versus actually burning the ganja is a much cleaner, mental high without the unpleasant physical side effects (fatigue, light-headed feeling, etc.).