week2 Flowering (Got mites?)


Well-Known Member
Well im two weeks into flowering had six plants 5 f*!#ing:cuss: males and now I think I got mites well im sure.(PIC2) Heres the deal should i go crazy trying to find things to kill them with like, where can i get neem oil? or will I be ok and worry about them only if they get worst or after i harvest just spray the room clean and what not.. on the first pic my side light fell against the plant a little not nute burn or nothing its just the damn mites any help will be good i need to finish the grow this time it will be my first Harvest:bigjoint: and i dont want mites messing it up



Well-Known Member
:blsmoke:Well I guess ill pop up manana to see this booming with answers :hump: Tiki seed genetics I will post more pic of the buds forming if any one is interested


Yo we need to clearer pictures of underneath the fan leaves for signs of spider mites. If it looks like tiny webs with little red dots everywhere...thats a mite. But those leaves do look kind of jacked up... Got any clearer pictures?


Well-Known Member
Yo we need to clearer pictures of underneath the fan leaves for signs of spider mites. If it looks like tiny webs with little red dots everywhere...thats a mite. But those leaves do look kind of jacked up... Got any clearer pictures?
No thats all this camera wants to do for me i checked the under no signs but I did see web on a smaller male when i was pulling it from the tub and so later on when i seen what looks to be holes in the leaf i assumed they were mites that had jump from that plant to the other or what else causes holes in your plant?


I think nute burn can cause holes in leaves as well. But back back in the day when I had spider mites they wouldnt eat the leaves, they nested under the fan leaves, eating the thc at night. The fecal matter(black dots) could be creating dead spots causing holes to occur. Why do you have males?... out of curiosity...

poke smot420

Well-Known Member
if i have mites this early i would scrap my whole harvest. spray the room. then restart. you would get real bad webs and probably kill the plant in the long run. ..but thats just me. if i got mites in the late weeks then i would just segregate the plants that had the problems from the crop that was all right. then apply neem oil to the infected


Well-Known Member
thanks guys . fureelz i think it was nute burn i checked the tub and alot of water had evaporated and about the males I had a mix pack and i didnt clone any of them so i didnt know if they were male or female till i flowered and bam!! 5 males which i already murdered 420 im glad it wasnt mites or i guess i would have to kill my baby well i know its a little late but thanks rep + for both


Well-Known Member
Yeah man i was gettin scared im glad it was just the nutes Im going to switch back to my ebb and flow after this grow i got lazy using this DWC and forgot to check the tub thats what was wrong, see my first grow went to hell because i was using an outside room kind of like a shead and i didnt quite understand that you had to have the thermometer right by the plants i just but one in the room by the door not under the lamps i was growing white skunk which was growing good till it go hot in that little space and i didnt have an a/c i keep thinking the hotest it got was around 90 but now i think back and i bet it got way hotter under the lamps I blamed it on the ebb and flow and switch to DWC for an easier less maintenance setup but now that Ive learned some hands on and some by reading a hell of alot more(most from this site) after i harvest ill be ready for a bigger crop with my old home made ebb and flow now i just have to see which strain i wana do next i was thinking sweet smell or happy highs like chocolate chunck or sweetpurple or mandala #1 any recommendations ?


Well-Known Member
dude sometimes that happens to me when I forget to move my light up with new growth. HID's can burn the shit out of leaves.


Well-Known Member
yeah i was about to quit forever after my first failed attempt but something told me to try again and im happy i did


I don't think very many people quit once they realized why they started :D


Well-Known Member
SO TRUE. i don't even smoke anymore, but i'd never give up that feeling of running to my closet when i wake up to see if theres been any new growth. growing weed makes all the difficult shit in life just dissolve away.