Week 6 flower, turned into hermi?

hey guys. So I'm on going on week 6 tomorrow and i noticed tonight on some lower buds something I haven't seem before. This is only my 3rd run so I'd appreciate the help. Someone said maybe hermi? I dno :/ thanks!
image.jpeg image.jpeg image.jpeg


Well-Known Member
It looks like those got pollinated somehow around 4 weeks ago. The swollen calyx will contain seeds if you let them mature. You can still make hash with the frosty calyx after you pull the seeds out. Good luck.
It looks like those got pollinated somehow around 4 weeks ago. The swollen calyx will contain seeds if you let them mature. You can still make hash with the frosty calyx after you pull the seeds out. Good luck.
im just trying to figure out how the F they got pollinated. I have no males here...
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Well-Known Member
Looks like seeds. Wait till week 8 and chop her down, or whenever its supposed to finish. No point in wasting all that work. Youll need to pluck out the seeds. Nows a good time to start and keepcgoing as you find them until chop. Some buds wont be sellable but some will. Then after you hang the plant and your manicuring, pay attention and pull out the rest. Throw every seed out. You dont want those genetics at all. If you have more plants in the room theres a good chance theyve been pollinated as well. Same deal as the other one. A good idea would be to find the source of the pollen and remove it. Theres probably male parts or bananas somewhere on that plant or another one. Find them and put them into a glass of water and get them out so no more pollen spreads. Itll be ok, you can also sell doobs or wax if all else fails. Then get some new genetics and get rid of whatever clones of the pollen spreading plant you have. Cheers.
Looks like seeds. Wait till week 8 and chop her down, or whenever its supposed to finish. No point in wasting all that work. Youll need to pluck out the seeds. Nows a good time to start and keepcgoing as you find them until chop. Some buds wont be sellable but some will. Then after you hang the plant and your manicuring, pay attention and pull out the rest. Throw every seed out. You dont want those genetics at all. If you have more plants in the room theres a good chance theyve been pollinated as well. Same deal as the other one. A good idea would be to find the source of the pollen and remove it. Theres probably male parts or bananas somewhere on that plant or another one. Find them and put them into a glass of water and get them out so no more pollen spreads. Itll be ok, you can also sell doobs or wax if all else fails. Then get some new genetics and get rid of whatever clones of the pollen spreading plant you have. Cheers.
Thanks for the advice man. Do you think they can get seeds like this from too much stress and too much defoliating? Cause that's all I can think of.


Well-Known Member
Thanks for the advice man. Do you think they can get seeds like this from too much stress and too much defoliating? Cause that's all I can think of.
No. They get seeds from pollen. Pollen is produced by male pollen sacs. They hide under buds in the plants armpits. Or from bananas. Bananas are found in armpits, or right in buds, usually right on the tips or sometimes on the sides of the buds. Rarely will you see naners in the lower portion of buds. Armpits, or side middle all the way up to the tip.

Only other explanation is a near by grow of males, or if you were sexing plants in the room and a nut popped. Theres likely a banana cluster you havent found yet. Check above the seed area since pollen falls its sometimes right above the seeded buds.