Week 5 boreddd took pics how they loookinnn?


Well-Known Member
any one ever use liquid CARBO LOAD??? i was goin to get bug bud but she said since im 6 weeks in flowering carbo will help pack on shit loads of wait.

anyone ever use this?????????


Well-Known Member
ya man looks like they are nute burned, u need to let up on the nutes as soon as u see the first tinyest peice of the tip of the leaf turning brown remeber that for next grow but i think u are burning them, mine are 5 weeks too and they are all green cuz as soon as i see the slightest browning u gotta let up on the nutes


Well-Known Member
thanks man, ya its my first grow so im just kinda winiging in it.

has anyone used liquid carbo load????????

thanks later


Well-Known Member
hmmm i think a lil over a month there more than 12 inches well 4 of them are and im puttin them into flowering in 3 weeks so im hopin for big plants this time.
The ones in soil im goin to make mothers so i can have consistancy jus throwin 6 clones into flowering every week thats my goal haha:mrgreen:

hows urs doin 1puffff?


Well-Known Member
Ok, last night i split my bb main stem just a bit, split less than a half inch or less and bent it a little in another spot, i am harvesting this Firday anyway..... My 16 babies just got a watering...... Still havent got my seeds....


Well-Known Member
hell ya i herd about splitting it b4 harvest, tell me how taht works out.
dam ur harvesting this friday dam thats comin fast i wish i could harvest sooooooon:cry: im so broke and buying weed is killlllllin me, im goin to chillis to apply fuck this no money bull shit. How much leaf trimming u have so far??
i cant wait to make hash with mine:mrgreen:


im gonna take pics real quick too


Well-Known Member
heres 6 weeks old my master kush and 2 aurora b's tell me how much longer i think 3 more weeks fo sho what do yall think???????/



1st pic is aurora b
2 and 3 is master kush
4 aurora b
5 is master kush
6 aurora b

sorry it was under the 1000 watt i wish it was better color what u think?



Well-Known Member

anyone have an idea how much longer ???
im guessin 11 more day with nutes tehn flush for a week with final flush