week 3


Well-Known Member
Thanks guys this is my first grow. So I'm curious. I'm using a grow tent 5'3" it's done well so far but I noticed moisture on the walls. So I purchased a dehumidifier and a humidity monitor. I have the humidity down to 30-40% during the day but at night it shoots up to around 70% and for the life of me I can't figure out why


Active Member
Warm air has the potential to hold more water vapour than cool air. So I take it your lights are on during the day and off at night? As your room cools at night (I'm assuming it does), the water vapor will break out and the room will become more humid. You may need to crank up the humidifier at night.


Well-Known Member
You are correct in the assumption that lights on are during day and off during night. It is well ventilated and my dehumidifier let's off no heat to keep it warm inside. This is the inside of the tent. Advice is accepted... also cfls off to reduce glare1515707299791631613597.jpg 15157074314801142129540.jpg 1515707553192108357174.jpg 1515707617405-108488935.jpg


Well-Known Member
Take a deep breath. You're doing very well and it's only a matter of time. Sometimes actions to help can cause more damage.

Can you leave your tent open at night?