Week 3 growth problems (please help)


Active Member
So i started some 5 year old seeds and as soon as they popped something looked off about the tap root. It had a bumpy looking dull white/yellow colour root.
Originally i planted 10 of these seeds. Some died off right away and some are growing with mutations.
Just wondering if anyone can give me some tips to help bring these back to good health as this is a great strain I cant afford to lose! I do have some more seeds available; however the stock is low.

some problems i did encounter was soil had some calmag in it from last year. I noticed slower growth and slight yellowing in the leaves on my other strains and decided to give it a flush and that seemed to help all the other strains other then my one stain comp. Chef.

please see attached pictures. All feedback is appreciated!



Well-Known Member
Wouldn’t worry to much about an “ ugly Betty “ , it happens . Sometimes these wonky ones grow out of it and are fine.
It looks like it’s a good green color and thriving , even if it looks a bit runty. Keep it and grow it.