weed seeds in flower seed packs.


Hey farmers!

How ya'll doin? =)

Does anybody know of any seed bank that ships seeds in flower seed packs?

Or could i maybe ask them to do this? I mean like a little bag with a picture of some fuckin tulips or carrots or whatever u know.

Thanks in advance

Best Regards


Well-Known Member
I haven't heard of any company doing this. I don't know if any would be willing to do that if you asked, but...that is a great idea. I'm not sure what the laws are on importing flowers. I know you're not suppose to bring edibles/vegies/fruits back from other countries. Some companies do a really good job at hiding the seeds, and others don't do as good of a job at concealment. I've gotten some in a cd case, some in a fake breath mints case, and some that was just inside a small clear bag stuffed inside a regular envelope, lol. So it all differs from company to company. I haven't ordered from Attitude, but from what I remember from looking at their site they have other options, though they are not cheap, they do seem like great ways to ship discretely.