Weed + School = ...?


Well-Known Member
Props to all the IT guys here :)

I do support from my apartment and bank....go to school full time and still can manage to juggle my pot :)


Well-Known Member
exactly its all about drive and will power.... dont blame the weed for no drive or will power. dont blame anything nor anyone for your mishaps or downfalls. the sky is the limit and its up to you to make something out of yourself, intoxicated/stoned or not


Well-Known Member
Im in college...and i smoke...
my grades arent perfect..but i wouldnt blame it on weed
more of lack of trying from boring ass classes

but im still passing with a good average


Well-Known Member
I could have used weed when I was in college, its proably why I burnt out of studying and haven't gone back yet. That and the stupid cocksuckers who told me my funding was more then it was.

Mr. Maryjane

Well-Known Member
I never had any drive to succeed in school(started to blow-off homework when I started getting it in 1st grade) but when I started smoking weed in 7th grade I got way lazier. By 9th grade, if it wasn't done that day in class it never got done. but what I did do I aced, no problem, so I'm still the smartest guy anybody will ever meet!


Well-Known Member
Same here. I never had any drive in school at all. Like, I'm the kind of teen (I'm 19 and I do still consider myself to be a teen and not an adult yet.) who doesn't have to study or try to get good grades. I never really had to do homework because all my test grades would outweigh my missing homework assignments and I ended up getting B's anyways. Either way, I have noticed that while stoned I could actually stay awake in class and pay attention (yay ADD at a really young age). I got a 31 on my ACT and a 1310 on my SAT. I just have no drive. I went to college for a semester but couldn't handle not having money there and living at a college where Taco Bell was better than the cafeteria... I basically got really sick due to lack of proper food because of no money and had to take a semester off. Now I can't go back because my parents kicked me out for being lazy. So now I'm going to make the best of what I have.

I was majoring in Software Engineering. I'm an A+ certified computer technician. I have fixed thousands of computers and was even a network admin at my high school. But I was also a varsity state swimmer, hockey player, and basketball player. So I just fix computers and wait tables now for money. I'm living on my own in a two bedroom apartment with my friend. Not many IT jobs up where I live. I still smoke and it's fixed a lot of issues I've had with depression, anxiety, chronic nausea, and ADD.

When I was in college I started out on Calculus and didn't even need to show up to classes. I came to class for tests and still got an A in the class. Weed + School = good if you can responsibly use it and handle it. If not, stop doing it.

Mr. Maryjane

Well-Known Member
dude, I dropped out in my second time around in 9th grade because the homework and classwork(I started skipping alot) was worth so much of my grade that a's on tests didn't help my grade enough, and I WASN'T going to do homework, so I dropped out


Well-Known Member
Im a highschool dropout and a roofer.Quit halfway through my senior year. You can use your back or use your brain. I use my back but i advise most people to use your brain.


Well-Known Member
Same here. I never had any drive in school at all. Like, I'm the kind of teen (I'm 19 and I do still consider myself to be a teen and not an adult yet.) who doesn't have to study or try to get good grades. I never really had to do homework because all my test grades would outweigh my missing homework assignments and I ended up getting B's anyways. Either way, I have noticed that while stoned I could actually stay awake in class and pay attention (yay ADD at a really young age). I got a 31 on my ACT and a 1310 on my SAT. I just have no drive. I went to college for a semester but couldn't handle not having money there and living at a college where Taco Bell was better than the cafeteria... I basically got really sick due to lack of proper food because of no money and had to take a semester off. Now I can't go back because my parents kicked me out for being lazy. So now I'm going to make the best of what I have.

I was majoring in Software Engineering. I'm an A+ certified computer technician. I have fixed thousands of computers and was even a network admin at my high school. But I was also a varsity state swimmer, hockey player, and basketball player. So I just fix computers and wait tables now for money. I'm living on my own in a two bedroom apartment with my friend. Not many IT jobs up where I live. I still smoke and it's fixed a lot of issues I've had with depression, anxiety, chronic nausea, and ADD.

When I was in college I started out on Calculus and didn't even need to show up to classes. I came to class for tests and still got an A in the class. Weed + School = good if you can responsibly use it and handle it. If not, stop doing it.

+REP :hump:



Well-Known Member
I smoked and still do smoke and attend school..not together, but I've always made an effort to carry myself intelligently and show that bud has not affected that. I love weed like a fat kid likes candy but I dont let it show..Well I do sometimes but not when its time to buckle down and play it smart! :D

Its good to break stereotypes about stoners thats how it gets legalized..

Mr. Maryjane

Well-Known Member
buzzkill, what the hell was the point of dropping out in senior year, you already suffered through so much and now its wasted.


Well-Known Member
it's funny, I was always offered bud in school, had dealers for friends, but the it was all studies....

I was the first person in my family to graduate high school... ;)


Well-Known Member
Im really lazy and do all my homework half assed but I always learn the material and get good grades on tests and finals


Well-Known Member
I am a lazy lazy bastard. I have no will power, I never have. Hell, look at my file from Elm school and there's coment going back to my 2nd grade teacher about how I don't do homework. It's a pattern that has never changed. I will always find things to do to fill my time instead of HW. I started smoking in HS, I'm no worse for it. In fact, it helps with my back spasm, my sints of depression, or when I get insomnia.

I'm a year away from a BS in Accounting (and yes, Doug from Weeds is my hero). I've failed a couple of classes due to my laziness, but I don't see myself being any better off if I didn't smoke. Its all just a question of the type of person. Some people are going to go off and get 6 figure IT jobs, other will fail at life, blame the herb, and resent the people who sucedded where they failed.


Well-Known Member
Well... i have to say, when i smoke... all i want to do is go and sit by the beach, Cast a line out and do sweet fuck all. So when i know i have a big assignment or a test i make sure to stay a way from it or els i know i wont get anything done apart from some good fishing:mrgreen:. I Think it depends on the person, I have friends who get a shit load done when they are high.


Active Member
i can honestly say that since starting to smoke regularly a couple years ago my grades have improved.

my opinion-weed is just an excuse to be lazy for some people