Weed and Metal

Captain Ahab

Active Member
Any Doom listeners among ye? Doom, Sludge, Stoner, Drone, Blackened, etc.

My favorites are Burning Witch, Sunn O))), Om, AHAB, Bongzilla, Electric Wizard, Corrupted, Weedeater, Acid Bath.

I'm down with other metal too, Some melodic/technical death metal stuff like Ulcerate and Meshuggah. As well as some genuine Black Metal like Burzum and Craft. Also, the Seven Sisters of Sleep.

For me, nothing beats some potent indica and letting long, slow, loud, heavy riffage push me deeper into the couch as my eyes slowly close from satisfaction and THC, as a wide grin slowly forms. Pure bliss.


I love to talk metal. hit me up, fellow metalheads. :blsmoke:


Well-Known Member
Yea i here what yur sayin ,Nothing like some Children of Bodom,In flames,Archenemy,Dimmu Borgir those are definetly badass european metal bands,one thing about European bands is their sounds tends to be much more articulated than american metal.Like a greater sense of dimension in just about all of the music they make.

Captain Ahab

Active Member
Definitely agree. Doom is an american/british genre that focuses on distortion, heaviness, and is usually slower and simpler, based on the foundation of Black Sabbath and Saint Vitus. I love its texture and thick sound.

The other metal subgenres like Black Metal and Death Metal, were created and nurtured by the Europeans; I think they have a much better understanding of it- it's much more genuine, I think. I feel like a lot of American metal acts are just trying to be tough, while the Europeans are trying to make good music. European metal has a lot of classical influence as well, lending to its complexity and coherence.


New Member
I love all metal:) know a lot in mostly all genres

I love european metal the most. Nightwish is my fav band. Female fronted gothic/symohonic metsl being my fav sub genre


Well-Known Member

fuck yeah bitches:blsmoke:
Love to hit an indica dominant strain with a headbuzz and put on some bomb depressive black (Lyrinx, Austere, Thy Light, to name some of my favourites).
Or some Summoning... always hits the right spot.
Mostly I'll just go for Black Metal


New Member
My fav genre of metal <3



Active Member



I'm with Captain Ahab... Doom is the shit while you're stoned as a bat. Weedeater, haarp, Buried at Sea, Sourvein, Sleep, Bible Belt Byproduct, and the list goes on........


Well-Known Member

when i first heard the name i was sceptical, thinking they were just young lads takin the piss outa cannibal corpse
i was right and wrong- they parody Corpse lyrics but my god these guys can play, real nice sound and rifftastik riffage with balls to the wall \m/ all over.
give em a spin if you havnt yet.