weed and bodybuilding

Blu Spy

Ok so, I wanna get straight with all yall here. Iv'e only smoked weed 5 times in my life time and I wanna do more of it. But, before I do this I have some heath and fitness questions.
The main question is can you be an ripped and a stoner at the same time? Iv'e been working out mildly for about 2 years. But until the beginning of last summer I wanted to get serious so ive been pushing myself harder. That summer, my starting weight was 138. Now iv'e added 8 pounds of muscle. My goal is to be around 180-190 pure muscle (i'm 5'9 BTW) and keep it that way until im too old and tired to do so. Can I smoke pot occasionally and still get to this goal? As in occasionally I mean like a few of bowls a month. Would it be worth it to be prescribed just to get legal weed to smoke a few times a month?
As goes for smoking weed I also want to know if it's true that weed stuns muscle growth. If you get the munchies, does your mind tell you to eat junk food or could you eat all that health bullshit? I mean I thought the point of weed in the first place was to make all food taste better. I'm not worried about it making me forget about working out or making me lazy because I have the will power and I plan to smoke on off days or after workout sessions.

BUT THE BIG QUESTION IS, Could I be a ripped stoner?:?:

Sr. Verde

Well-Known Member
lol dude weed isnt going to alter your TRUE personality. I know people who work out a lot and smoke bud every day. The only thing could be that the inhaling burned plant material might hurt your lung function a LITTLE (certainly wont help). But you can easily avoid inhaling burned plant matter by either getting a vaporizer, or by making edibles. Both way will leave your respiratory system clean and healthy :) I use a vaporizer and prefer it to smoking, it's great :)


New Member
If you take enough Jack3d you could probably smoke boulders with Tyrone and gain muscle. Don't worry about the bud.

Dr. Greenhorn

Well-Known Member
you can still be a ripped stoner, just as long as the weed doesn't de-motivate you. weed is a motivator for me so I always burn before I lift. I kinda burn way to much so I usually hit the steam room or sauna a couple times a week to detoxify some. but weed and weights go hand in hand. lot of the bodybuilders I know and don't know all burn the herb. not sayin' that I'm ripped or anything but I have very low bodyfat. and weed definitely doesn't stunt muscle growth, in fact in some cases, it helps muscle growth. it's all about the mind/muscle connection and herb makes that mind/muscle connection for me.

Dr. Greenhorn

Well-Known Member
If you take enough Jack3d you could probably smoke boulders with Tyrone and gain muscle. Don't worry about the bud.
hahaha! jack3d is the shit! I turn into an animal in the gym using jack3d. in fact all the USPLabs supplement line is awesome.


Active Member
This guy did it and he was pretty ripped.


It also helps prevent roid rage, as shown here.



Active Member
What you said, about junk food, never worry. It does make everything more enjoyable to eat, be it healthy or unhealthy. If your not someone who eats junk food all the time you'll have no problem. You'll eat what you normally do, and enjoy it more. Will barely affect your lungs if your only smoking occasionally, but if that's a problem, or you start blazing every day, just vape or eat. Never worry, if you smoke it do bowls, never joints, don't wana be smoking tobacco :D


Active Member
Do some research bro!

As has been said though, the effects of weed a relative, some people get lazy and lathargic, others get energetic and motivated. It can depend on the weed you smoke and how you smoke it.

It will deffinately not stunt muscle growth, I'm not sure who told you that, but it's just another rumor. Like the majority of things you hear about weed.
It will cut your respiratory system slightly, but if you are going to smoke a few times a month, you wont notice a thing.
I smoke 3 or 4 times a week and I run 7 kilometers 3 times a week and play a game of football or 2 during the weekend I only notice my lungs burning if I have smoked a shitload the day before.

You'll be fine, and enjoy your new found love for our lovely lady Mary Jane!


Well-Known Member
This guy did it and he was pretty ripped.


When I read the title of this thread, Arnold at the end of that movie is exactly what I thought. That movie is called Pumping Iron, right? it's been a while since I saw it. You can still get ripped and smoke, as long as you keep your diet and everything else right.
I smoke and I still workout regularly and run a lot. Just don't try to smoke then workout, workout then smoke and you'll be good.