Way's to regenerate nodal growth???


I have a small cutting that rooted well and I planted it in my soil.
It has (3) healthy fan leaves, but the new nodal growth was killed and has not returned for a week now.
Should i just keep caring for it like i otherwise would have and it will sprout some new growth, or are there any special ways to regenerate that nodal growth?



Well-Known Member
yes there are ways.... none for the inexperienced or those without access to chemicals, pics would help but i doubt from the sound of it , that i can be saved. try to just make an incision with a razer on the leafstem near the "crotch" but on the leafs stem, not quite at the node. also even if this does work it will take a long time. and if you have a real steady hand try to make 2 insicions that cross each other to cut out a v, you want to make it very small and near the croth on the leaf stem. this is the best way to explain how to do and if you working with central nodes and small leaves its gonna be difficult if not damn near impossible


Thank you for the detailed response poly. I was thinking I might be able to slice something in order to induce something...
I have to figure a way to turn location data off my phone before I can post photos. I will try this tonight.


Well-Known Member
pkgrower.. take the picture with your phone.. open it up on your computer.. maximize whatever software you use to view the picture so it takes up the whole screen.. press the PRINT SCREEN button.. past it into MSpaint or another picture program.. crop out what you dont want and save it. Or just buy a digital camera like a normal person :)