ways to increase the nitrogen ?


Active Member
all my plants are doing well..third week of flowering but two of them half the plant is yellow like its deprived of nitrogen..the ph is 5.8 so there shouldnt be lockout..should i flush the plants? there in 6 inch rockwool blocks about 2.5 feet tall

house and garden nutes 1000ppm in ro water with 5ml per gallon of calmag in a 25 gallon resavoir..just changed res 3 days ago...problem has been there the past week


Active Member
What's the NPK on your nutes?

It seems like if you gave 'em different nutes with a higher N ratio you'd be golden. Now you're right in the middle of the stretch so they need lots of nitrogen; they're going through their growth spurt.


Active Member
Aqua Flakes A NPK: 8-0-0
Aqua Flakes B NPK: 2-4-10
cal mag 2-0-0

thats what i have going right now,can u suggest anything to add? thanks


Active Member
i agree ur plants need nitrogen, they are stretchingthey need a good dose of all three major nutes during the first few weeks of flowering