wattter water wattter

hey everyone!
I just order my 5 feminized blue mystic seeds, and will begin growing as soon as they get here! im going to put my germinated seed directly into my 3 gallon smart pot with Fox Farm Ocean Forest, i was just wonderin how far down in the dirt should i put my germinated seed? annnd once i put it in there when should i start watering, right away or after it breaks the surface? i dont want to drown that little germinated guy you know? and also how much water should i give it in these early stages?


Well-Known Member
plant the germ seed around 1/2 inch no deeper..and yes water right away, keep soil moist around seeds, not wet, moist...


Well-Known Member
You should start a seed in something small like a party cup and look to transplant it into these pots when the root mass has become too much for the pot.

You could kill the little seed putting it in something so big to begin with.

Just get yourself some party cups and some clear plastic bottles.

Soak your seed in ph6 plain water for 6hours then plant into your party cup around 1/16 of an inch into your medium. Cut the bottom off your clear plastic bottle put it over where your seed is to keep humidity high and then under 18/6 with a small Flouro. Something like a 24w 6400k T5.

Leave like this until the seed breaks ground and then remove the domes.
When looking to transplant wait until you can squeeze the sides of the pot and you can see roots at the sides and from underneath then transplant into your 3 gallon.

Dont rush these kinds of things as the more care you can take at the beginning the greater success you will have.

Link to my thread where i have described how i germinated.


Hope this helps.



Active Member
hey everyone!
I just order my 5 feminized blue mystic seeds, and will begin growing as soon as they get here! im going to put my germinated seed directly into my 3 gallon smart pot with Fox Farm Ocean Forest, i was just wonderin how far down in the dirt should i put my germinated seed? annnd once i put it in there when should i start watering, right away or after it breaks the surface? i dont want to drown that little germinated guy you know? and also how much water should i give it in these early stages?

Hi FrostyTrees,

I usually use a 1 litre spary bottle for germination and seelding growth... this way you dont pour water onto the soil and you can just spray a few times a day to keep it moist and not wet (as MadHatter said above). This is the most crucial stage for me and much care and attention is needed i usualy look in on my seedlings twice a day and more if i can.

Best of luck fella :-)


You should start a seed in something small like a party cup and look to transplant it into these pots when the root mass has become too much for the pot.

You could kill the little seed putting it in something so big to begin with.

Just get yourself some party cups and some clear plastic bottles.

Soak your seed in ph6 plain water for 6hours then plant into your party cup around 1/16 of an inch into your medium. Cut the bottom off your clear plastic bottle put it over where your seed is to keep humidity high and then under 18/6 with a small Flouro. Something like a 24w 6400k T5.

Leave like this until the seed breaks ground and then remove the domes.
When looking to transplant wait until you can squeeze the sides of the pot and you can see roots at the sides and from underneath then transplant into your 3 gallon.

Dont rush these kinds of things as the more care you can take at the beginning the greater success you will have.

Link to my thread where i have described how i germinated.


Hope this helps.

how can it kill the seed putting it directly into a 3 gallon pot when seeds start from the earths surface which is far more vast than a 3 gallon smart pot...
and thanks so much for the help everyone! i realllly appreciate it


Well-Known Member
Becaue the earth wicks water out of the soil which is why it is ok outside.
BUt in an indoor environment your medium will hold water alot longer than the earth outside your house as there is only your little seed living in it.

IN issue 17 of urban garden magazine there is an article about transplanting and transplanting shock.
In this article it talks about transplanting from a party cup to a 1 gallon pot then into your larger pot.
Exact quote. Page17 UGM issue 17
" One step at a time! Make sure not to transplant from a small pot to a very large pot as the medium will stay wet for too long, discouraging the roots from searching out water - this can lead to drowning and dampening off in severe cases. Potting in stages also helps to produce a dense root mass. As a rough guide for many fast growing vegetables, freshly rooted cuttings and seedlings will thrive if they are transplanted from a 5cm (2") to a 4 litre (1 gallon) sized pot and later into a 7.5-19 litre (2-5gallon) pot. Be carefull not to overwater new transplants as this will retard root development."

Hope this is informative enough for you.

Oh wow ok i see you have done your research, well ill take your adive, so once i am ready to transplant the plant from the party cup to a larger medium, how do i get the plant out without damaging it?


Well-Known Member
OK here goes

You fill your new pot with medium.

Just before you reach the top put one of your smaller pots inside and fill around it. SO that when you take the smaller pot out you are left with a hole the size of your transplant.

Then you squeeze the sides of your smaller pot with the plant in to loosen it from the pot.
when you have done this a few times it should almost be loose.

Then you place your fingers either side of the stem at the bottom of the plant palm of your hand facing in towards the medium.

Then you almost tip the pot upside down but not fully upside down and start tapping the bottom whilst squeezing the sides. This will eventually loosen the medium and plant in one go.
If it does not come out straight away either leave it alone for a few more days to develope more roots or be very very very carefull taking it out. If the medium begins to break up as you are taking the plant out then it is not time to transplant.

Then you will have your plant in your hand with all the roots on show and simply put this in your pre made hole in your new pot press it in firmly but gently.

Water it in a little but not too much and hey presto tranplanted.

Hope this helps



Well-Known Member
Oh wow ok i see you have done your research,
i have only been growing since Xmas 09 but yeah i have done nothing but research since this time and have had 2 successfull grows and am now on my 3rd.

Research is the key. I also pick up a fresh copy of all the urban garden magazines i can find in my hydro store each time i go in.



Well-Known Member
hey bud, growing some BM now as well. Any questions, please let me know!

I may not be a Vet, but I love the ladies! :>