wattering seedlings?


Well-Known Member
Don't soak 'em though.... You want the roots to search enough to get a strong root system going.


Well-Known Member
I was loving mine to death over watering them try once a day Iwas misting them everytime i thought of them and the leaves turned uo turned brown and died. Now I give them about an ounce a ounceand and a half with a mist shot on both sides a day thats it. Almost like an older plant they like to dry a little as well makes the roots gro search for water and get oxygen. they are easy to over water hard to under.
good growing to lots of luck

peace my bro im out


Ok I Have a seed in a jiffy cup full of Foxfarm HOw much should i watter a seed... Like lot at first and then when see a seedling back off or what?