wats wrong


Well-Known Member
not from that blurry pic but hell i'll take a stab in the dark and say either over feeding or over watering.


Well-Known Member
i water once every 4-5 days i have a hydrometer so i dont think its over watering,mabey over feeding but i just started nutes in low dosage


Well-Known Member
well probably not over watered and since you just started nutes i wouldnt guess nute burn so what more details can we get ? soil or hydro ? what kinda lights ? how close are they to the plant ? whos the guy in the suit outside ? lol


Well-Known Member
ive had this problem b4 i started nutes.i have it in mg organic mixed with perlite,5x23 watt cfl daylight spectrum about 2 inches away im gonna mix in some warm white spectrums.its about a week into flowering and it definatly female.and the guy is some dude on dr phil.check out my grow journal for more pics