Watering question


Well-Known Member
I planted my germinated seeds in rockwool 3 days ago and so far only one of them has sprouted out of the five. The tops of the rockwool are kind of dry from sitting under my light. I was wondering if its safe to water them a little to hopefully get them to sprout. SHould i do this or should i wait it out? I dont want to risk drowning the seeds. what should i do?


Well-Known Member
well from my understanding the rockwool should have been soaked down prior to seed planting, not to sure as I grow in soil, I know You dont want it completly dry so maybe moisten rockwool alittle and get it out of the light, you dont need any light until sprout breaks surface good luck:peace:


Well-Known Member
I planted my germinated seeds in rockwool 3 days ago and so far only one of them has sprouted out of the five. The tops of the rockwool are kind of dry from sitting under my light. I was wondering if its safe to water them a little to hopefully get them to sprout. SHould i do this or should i wait it out? I dont want to risk drowning the seeds. what should i do?
did you ph the rockwool before you planted? Rock wool needs to be soaked 24 hours in 5.5 ph water before you start because the glue in the rock wool has a high alkaline level. not too sure about if you should add more water yet... i am using soil


New Member
I keep mine moist 24/7 with distilled water... whats the humidity and temp level like?? What kind of lights are you using??

skippy pb

Well-Known Member
I grow in soil and i am a beginner but i watered the soil well when i planted and i dont think the chances of drowning your seed are that high. Unless you like OD water it.

But like i said before im a beginner so you might want to wait for someone who's actually smart with the stuff to verify this.