Watering Question??


Active Member
Hey RIU!!, i was wonder if anyone could help me out real fast, i watered my Snow White yesterday, but today i transplanted her into a 5gallon bucket with FoxFarm Ocean Forest soil,wit about 1-2inches of hydroton on the bottom of it.. My question is when should i water her next and should i use nutes, or just ph water?? Thanks!!!

!:eyesmoke:Stay High:eyesmoke:!
how big is she? my advice is go and get a simple moisture meter they are around 10 USD$ makes it really simple to water, some will say lift and "feel" the bucket...well i like to KNOW for sure

prolly in a good week if she is around 1-1.5 ft and uese 1/3 recommended nutes next watering and you should be good


Active Member
No i didnt water the soil before transplant. Should i of?? and She is in week 3 of vegging under a 400watt hps.... I have a moisture meter and it says shes fine where the soil is from the old pot....


Active Member
Kk, will water next time, thats what im asking should i water her a little wit just PH water so the FFOF is a little bit moist or just wait till meter says too? And when i do give her a full watering for the first time in FFOF should i add the nutes???

dutch black

Was the plant root bound? Did you have roots running around your pot? If not I wouldn't worry about watering it right away, just wait until it needs it again. But if you had lots of visible roots they are going to go in search of moisture and the new soil will have very little to supply them, if that's the case go ahead and water them. The new soil will have enough nutrients for the plant for awhile. 5 gallon bucket is a nice size, maybe just some Hygrozyme or a root innoculate for a few weeks. Then when the plant starts setting into that bucket and getting some size go with some mild nutrients and gradually increase. Hope this helps. Good luck


Active Member
yes it was root bound, and i could see roots when i took her out....so i should water her with just water right????