Watering once a week?

Okay, i was wondering if only watering your plants heavily once a week will work? I wont have to much time to go where they are growing indoors but if i could get a cheap electronically opperated machine auto watering system(somewhere in stores, not online) that would be even better..any suggestions?


Well-Known Member
Watering in soil is not done on a schedule, it is done when your plants need it. That changes over time.
I'm relatively new but I noticed that you need to water them less often when using larger pots. Or is that gonna change as well once the roots grow into the new soil?


Well-Known Member
thats about how often i have to water anyways but like said above they get watered as needed. as the get bigger they use more water and you may have to decrease the time in between waterings.


Well-Known Member
I'm relatively new but I noticed that you need to water them less often when using larger pots. Or is that gonna change as well once the roots grow into the new soil?
You are absolutely correct on both accounts. Also when that said plant gets entered into flowering stage especially the first three weeks and there forth watering and feeding may increase also strain dependant.

Grown n Oregon

Active Member
but there is a reason your larger pots will stay damper longer...right? with a bigger planter u will be adding more water per watering i assume. .the more soil u have to work with, the more water will be saturated, thus making it wetter longer.
MJ likes dryer conditions so water less more often when you water lets say once a week by literally drowning you will encounter slower growth cause medium is to wet and oxygen/ c02 having problems getting in the root system water less you will notice better overall growth and vigor also when drenching soil this can very well create yellowing of the leafs. then once you see yellowing you will think its lacking N so you add more nutes and before long you got burning issues you will be chasing
So water/ feed every 3 - 4 days but less amounts:clap:


Well-Known Member
I have good results with flooding and drought. I don't know whether I have the fastest or the biggest buds as end result but I do know the plant looks healthy and the grass is superb. I could not give you a time schedule cuz that differs by the day. On a hot windy day the plant and surroundings use maybe 4 times as much water than on a cool humid calm day. Also the size of the plant and the size of the pot matter. I flood the plant slowly, otherwise the water just runs out of the bottom holes which you must have to avoid root rot and then I look every morning to see how she goes and only flood again when the pot is light and the top soil shows cracks. When the plants goes droopy your are a day late. I always flood every second time with max amount of nutes and the other time with just water.


Well-Known Member
Your plants do well because that is EXACTLY how to water/feed them.

A thorough drenching followed by a thorough drying out period, whatever length of time that is.